Monday, September 04, 2006

Back To Work...Down To Business! Site Build It - RSS Ezine

Back To Work...Down To Business!

For most people this time of year is
back to work time... the summer is over
and it's back to work, school, university
... as a former teacher the Labour Day
Holiday always marked the beginning of
a new work year...

For the first time in over 25 years I
will not be going back to work this fall.
At least not in the real world!

I have gotten to the point where I am now
working full time online on the Internet.
Working from the comfort of my home... I
say work but it is really just a hobby
that pays extremely well!

It doesn't seem like work when you're
enjoying every minute of it... it doesn't
feel like work when you can earn money
while you're sleeping, while you're enjoying an
evening out with friends or even while you're
on vacation!

Regular readers of this ezine will know
I take things easy in the summertime -
I just came back from a three week visit
to relatives.

What really surprised me this year is how
well my sites did while I was basically on
vacation. It still amazes me how powerful
and effective Online Marketing can actually
be... how automatic it can become.

Once you set up your sites, once you get high
rankings for your keywords, once you have all
your lists/ezines programmed and collecting...
Once you have everything in place - your online
business is operating 24/7/365 . Automatically
running and collecting automatic Income.

It earns income whether you're eating in a
nice restaurant, taking a pleasant walk or
watching your favorite movie. The more sites
you create, the more keywords you target, the
more traffic you get---- the more income you earn.

You can do the same!
Internet Marketing Tool Guide

It never fails to amaze me to find out I
have made a couple hundred bucks while
I was sleeping... while I was sleeping. It does
take some adjustment in your way of thinking.

Of course, I didn't get to this position overnight...
I was 3 years before my first website started making
any decent income but then again I started from scratch.
And I do mean scratch... from learning basic html
to how to use email... I started at the very beginning.

Anyone starting an online business today
usually has some experience with computers and
the web. They know their way around the Internet.
They know computers. Many have some knowledge of
html and how to create a web page. It's a much
easier road for them. If you're familiar with
the web and computers - it will be a much easier
road for you also.

However, creating a profitable site does require
some knowledge and some skill. Actually, I believe
anyone who creates an interesting or entertaining
web site will eventually make money with it! It just
takes some patience and most of all it takes a lot
of perseverance . You have to stick to it - you have
to keep working at it. Keep adding good quality content.
Keep adding helpful information..

You will succeed.

And you can cut the time you need in order to succeed
by getting some good information up-front.
Information that will help you build that profitable
site quickly and smoothly. There are countless
business models you may follow. There are countless
marketing gurus that will offer their advice - usually
for a hefty price. Others will offer their advice for
free, knowing you will be purchasing marketing products
(marketing info, hosting, marketing software, etc.)
down the road, hopefully from their affiliate links.

Not that there is anything wrong with that - everyone
has to make a living. Most good marketers have
found the products that work - have found the hosting
company that give good quality service at a reasonable
price - have found the marketing software that cuts
their workload in half and runs their sites automatically.

Online marketers recommend these products thru their
affiliate links and earn a small commission.

But what most don't understand is that an online marketer,
even minor ones like myself, are offered countless software
products to try, countless info products to sample...
in the hope we will promote the products to our lists or
on our sites. We can promote any product, any service,
or even any other online marketer...

If you're selling something, it is always easier to sell
the top quality product. One that works and offers
the best bang for the buck. One that offers the best
service... it's not rocket science, not even close.

Naturally, when you offer the best products you make
more sales, you make more commissions.

Over the years, I have tried and marketed countless
products, I recommend products that I find helpful.
I recommend products that run my small online business
automatically. I recommend the products that have
basically let me work full time on the Internet.
I recommend tools that have let me earn money
from the web.

Realize one thing - if you run an online business
- you will need Internet Marketing Tools.

You will need some marketing tools to run your
business, you will need some marketing tools
to run your site or sites. Most of all, you must
know something about web marketing tools
and how they work. And we not taking only about
expensive software programs... but simple
stuff like keywords, opt-in lists, articles...

If you want to build a full time or part time
income online - you must have the right tools.
I have recently created a new site where I list
all the best marketing tools and programs... there
is also a simple 7 day ecourse that you can take
for free that will point out the most effective
marketing tools you can use.

If you haven’t tried my simple online course,
give it a go - I have included most of the methods
and tools I use to earn 4-5 grand each month from
the web. Lot more in the 3 or 4 months before xmas!

If you want to experience the lifestyle of working
from your own home on the Internet. Please try
this course - it's quite painless and you will
learn some pointers about marketing online...

Internet Marketing Tool Guide


But always keep in mind there are countless
business models and online courses you can
follow to position yourself for working
full time or even part time online. Here's
one of my favorites...

Site Build It - Video Action Guide

Site Build It by Ken Evoy has always been one
of most popular affiliate products that I offer
on my sites and to my lists.


It is a quality product that works. The main reason
it works so well is the emphasis the whole SiteSell
program places on creating quality online content as
your main starting point.

Unique quality content will always be KING on the web.
By building quality sites full of original content
- you will succeed on the web.

It has all the marketing tools you need to build your
online business. It also has a large online community
that will help you with building your web business.
Never underestimate how important 'help and advice' from
fellow SBIer's will be to the success of your online
site or sites.

Now it is even easier to learn more about marketing
online and the whole SBI program by watching a few

You can learn the SBI system by video and audio...
lessons delivered by video. Many people prefer this
method of learning. It can be much easier on the
old brain than reading!

If you want to give video a go - click here:

Site Build It - Video Action Guide

Site Build It is also having a Back to Work
Special - you can now save $100! But you
have to hurry - this discount offer is only
good until Sept.6
Site Build It

Until next time,

Kind Regards,

Titus Hoskins

P.S. Never stop learning! Whether you're
going back to school or back to work. You
must never stop learning. Here are some
great Trade Magazine subscriptions
you can get for F'ree if you qualify.
Keep up-to-date in your chosen field.
Check out these great business and
trade magazines:
Free Industrial Magazine Subscriptions