Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Thoughts On Taking Your Business Mobile

Thoughts On Taking Your Business Mobile

On a day when Apple sells 9 million iPhones - it sort of hits home that a large majority of people on planet earth has gone mobile, not only when it comes to their personal lives but also for business.

Things have changed. Times have changed.

There's no denying we have become an instant world. Instant photos, instant tweets, instant messages... everything happens within a matter of seconds now, not hours or days. The same goes for operating in the business world because your customers and clients want it now, this instant - not tomorrow.

Thankfully, technology has kept pace with this growing demand for instant results. We now have a whole toolbox of business tools, which can make your company or business very mobile and instant. No more waiting for that important signed document which is needed immediately, we can simply use an online fax service  where the fax/document can be signed and returned instantly.

Leading online fax providers such as eFax®, owned by j2 Global, provides such a service with a smartphone app which takes your business to a whole new "instant" level. This also means that your company or business is no longer tied down to the old traditional fax machine in the office, your business has become completely mobile or portable.

While the introduction of such an online portable fax service may seem to be a modest improvement, the ramifications can be much more far reaching than one would expect. All your workers and sales force can be reached anywhere at any time - for that matter your business can operate 24/7, 365 days of the year.

Then there is the simple convenience, no more missed faxes, no more paper jams, no more inks and toners. Going mobile and paperless in today's instant world makes for perfect business sense. It can even elevate your company's competitiveness up to the level of your competition since most of them will have already adapted to these new mobile technologies.

It is simply the wave of the future.

It will be how business is now done. If you operate a company or business you must at least consider the implications of NOT using new mobile services such as online fax and virtual PBX. Can your business stay competitive? Can your business survive without all these technologies? Or will you discover, like many business operators, it simply boils down to one fact...

Go mobile or go home.

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