Online Niche Marketing And Your Bottom Line
One of the main reasons for the success of my online sites
has to be niche marketing. It is the main reason I can work
full-time from the comfort of my home.
If you're struggling to make money or create income streams
with your site or sites - I would strongly suggest you
try niche marketing.
I have been marketing online now for over 4 or 5 years but
it has only been in the last few years that I have explored
niche marketing in any great detail. It is the reason my
online income has gone way up. You can do the same or at
least you should give niche marketing some serious
I kept hearing the so-called marketing Guru's praising the
benefits of niche marketing for a long time. If wasn't until
I tried some niche markets and aggressively marketed to them
that my income started to jumped.
Niche marketing is not difficult to do, but it might be
helpful to have a few pointers to get you started.
For those who would like to experiment with niche marketing,
why not join the Free Associate program with Amazon and
create an aStore on the niche of your choice. This can be
a great way of finding and marketing products related to your
subject area - Amazon is one of the most trusted merchants
on the web, building a niche site with Amazon affiliate products
could be one revenue stream you should explore.
I find the commissions somewhat low compared to other affiliate
programs I promote but Amazon is an easy sell - people like
buying from Amazon and you will probably sell more - at least
that's been my experience. I even created a Corporate Gift aStore
to go with one of the niche sections on my site...
Internet Marketing Tools
Another tip, if you get heavily into niche marketing, you
might want to re-invest some of your profits into a nice
keyword research software tool.
One of the best tools that I use with my niche marketing is
Brad Callen's Keyword Elite.
It has really saved me a lot of time and has pointed out some
profitable niche keyword phrases... but maybe I getting ahead
of myself here.
If you want to know more about niche marketing just read
my article for a brief run-down on niche marketing.
Let niche marketing increase your bottom line and
show you where the real money is made online. Savvy
marketers and webmasters are taking full advantage
of this effective marketing strategy, are you?
Feature Article:
o How To Create Multiple Income Streams From Your Website
Copyright © 2006 Titus Hoskins
The Internet is tailor made for niche marketing. As more
and more people turn to the web to find the information
and products they need, opportunities for online marketers
to cash in has never been greater. Buyers now look to the
web to find countless products and services not available
in their own local areas.
Niche marketing is a simple marketing technique you should
be using with your online marketing. Targeting small sections
of the vast online consumer marketplace is one of the fastest
and surest ways to produce an online revenue stream. Are you
taking full advantage of this marketing strategy with your
own site or sites?
The web and niche marketing has opened up this whole new
area in the worldwide marketplace; delicately balancing
supply with demand, no matter how obscure or unique the
product or service may be.
Niche marketing is catering to these small segments of
the marketplace, from mountain climbing footwear to fly
tying equipment to home entertainment systems. Narrowing
down and targeting a specific market niche or group has
proven to be a very effective online marketing strategy.
Internet marketers and webmasters who have searched out
and optimized for these small niche markets are reaping
the rewards. Those marketers who find the niche markets
where there is high demand but very little competition
are benefiting the most.
Finding these profitable niche markets is easier than
most people believe, mainly because most of the activity
on the web is keyword driven or powered. All a marketer
has to do is find the keywords or phrases potential
customers are using to search for the products they
want to acquire.
Savvy online marketers use different keyword research
software and online sites to find these profitable
keywords. They use software like Nichebot or Keyword
Elite and sites like WordTracker and Overture (Yahoo
Marketing) to find profitable keywords in their
respective niches.
Before any content is created, before any sites are made,
before any products are born - these marketers do extensive
keyword research to find out exactly what people are looking
for on the web. How many searches are made each month and
the keyword ratio or competition for their niche keywords.
The objective is to find little known niches where there
is great demand but very little competition. Many marketers
also use the 'Long Tail' - a whole long list of keywords or
keywords phrases that relate to their niche. Creating webpages
or content for this Long Tail has proven to be more profitable
then targeting general popular keywords.
For example, someone searching for the keyword 'vacation'
may just be shopping around or dreaming - whereas someone
looking for 'honeymoon vacation Jamaica' may have their minds
already made up and are ready to buy... finding a whole
(Long Tail) list of keyword phrases where the customer
is ready to buy will obviously prove more lucrative than a
general list of keywords.
Many niche marketers also use this Long Tail keyword list
in combination with targeted articles which they submit and
syndicate around the web through such sites as Ezinearticles,
GoArticles or IdeaMarketers. Thus, creating high search rankings
for the profitable keywords in their particular niche.
Many smart marketers also tie in an informative 'How To'
'Further Information' or 'Special Deals' autoresponder series
to keep in touch with their visitors. Knowing that many
interested parties may not buy on their first visit, it has
been shown that it takes around six or seven follow-ups
before many consumers will buy.
For those webmasters who are not extensively into web marketing,
joining a free affiliate program like the Amazon Associates program
and creating an aStore is an effective way of promoting niche
products on the topic of your site. Products can be hand-picked
to perfectly fit the content of your site or niche.
Niche marketing is not a complicated process. Anyone can
take advantage of these small marketing niches and exploit
the demand for countless products and services that have no
or little competition. There is no reason why you shouldn't
turn the information highway into your own private source
of income.
Your bottom line will be the first to thank you!
The author is a full-time online marketer who operates
numerous websites, including two sites on Internet marketing.
For the latest web marketing tools try:
Internet Marketing Tools
For the latest corporate gift ideas and a handy Amazon
gift-organizer try here: Corporate Business Gifts
Copyright © 2006 Titus Hoskins. This article may be
freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
Until next time and thanks for reading
this far!
Kind Regards,
Titus Hoskins
Internet Marketing Tools
P.S. Never stop learning! Whether you're going back
to school or back to work. You must never stop learning.
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