Friday, October 10, 2008

Finding Profitable Niche Markets In These Harsh Times

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o Finding Profitable Niche Markets In These Harsh Times

The sky might not be falling but it sure seems that way.
Watching all the bad global financial news will surely
make you think your "glass is half empty". Checking your
mutual retirement funds will probably confirm it.

I know all the experts say the Stock market will bounce
back and we will get thru this crisis... they are probably
right but we are still in for some tough times. Not just
in the States but everyone will be feeling the fall-out
and pain of this one.

On a brighter note, as everyone is bunkering down
the hatches and staying close to home (if it's not
foreclosed out from under them) - the Internet will
probably become more important than it is today.
Shopping online could be a cheaper alternative than
venturing out... as everyone will be looking
for ways to save money.

For around 3 to 4 years now, I have made a very good
living selling affiliate products online from my 9 or
10 websites that I run. I basically make my living
selling other people's stuff on the web. I do put in
a lot of work but I love every minute of it.

So far, business has not slowed down but we are getting
into the holiday season so everything goes up a notch
at this time of year and it's hard to tell. I haven't
seem any drop-off in the business services and products
that I sell - go figure!

Anyway, even in harsh times, there are opportunities
that open up. You just have to find them. Picking
the right niche market for your online business is
probably your most crucial factor in your success.

But How Do You Find A Niche Market?

First, you must find something that you're interested
in... if you're going to spend the next couple
of years exploring a niche market - make sure it one
that you like or already have an interest in. Be it coin
collecting to building backyard sheds...

Picking a favorite hobby or past-time is always wise...
we all have something we do better than others. Just
take that hobby and check to see if you can turn it
into a profitable niche. See if you can turn it into
an info-product others would be interested in buying?

One very simple trick I use to find or check to
see if a particular niche market is profitable -
I use Google. First I find the keywords associated
with that niche - these are the words people will
type into search engines to find out more about your
niche or subject. Keywords = Niche. For online
marketing this is more true than in the off-line

Then I check these keywords in Google Search. Now
I forget about the organic results for a moment
and I check the number of ads on the page?

These are at the very top and on the right hand
side of the page. If there are a lot of ads, lots
of people advertising products - it's probably
a profitable niche. People don't advertise if
they're not making money. At least not over the
long term - I monitor these keywords over a
couple of weeks or months - if people are still
advertising - they're probably making money from
this niche.

Now since I am into affiliate marketing... I check
who is advertising and look at their links. If
there are not linking directly to the core domain -
they are probably affiliates. After a while you
can easily spot affiliate links... ones coming
from the major networks like CJ, LinkShare...
usually links with an "ID" or "?" in them.

If affiliates are advertising week after week,
they are making money from this niche. Take a
close look at what they're doing and see if you
can come up with something similar - don't try
to re-invent the wheel, just see it you can make
it spin for you.

Now when I go about choosing a niche market... I
always think about who the customer is going to
be. I like picking niches where the customer is
in the right time or mind-set to buy. I like the
"gift" angle... if someone is looking at gifts,
obviously they're ready to buy.

Another angle is to pick niches where people
are buying gifts not just for one person but
many. Such as in Corporate Business Gifts where
a boss or company may be buying gifts for their
employee. This has been one of my best niche
markets on my site - ooophs, not supposed to
have told you that!

Another angle or tactic to take, no matter what
you're selling - is to target the words "coupons"
"deals" "cheap"... if customers are actively
seeking out a bargain or coupon - they are
ready to buy.

Many successful online sites are based around
offering "coupons" "gifts" "discounts"... everyone
likes to save money, more so now in these
harsh times than ever before; so it does
offer up a lot of opportunities.

And keep in mind, during hard times, many people
are searching for ways to earn a little extra
income and many of them will be turning to the
Internet as a solution. There will probably be
mini-boom in online businesses and services as
all these potential customers gear up to take
advantage of what the web offers.

Finding a profitable niche is within everyone
reach. My firm belief, if I can do it, anyone
can do it. Just take a hard look around and see
if you can find something you would like to
promote and build on for the next couple of

Your profitable niche is out there, you just
have to find it. Even in these harsh time...


Now if all this talk about "niche markets" and
finding the right "keywords" is still all a bit
confusing for you. I sometimes forget not everyone
reading this ezine have been working 'day-in, day-out'
online for the last 4 or 5 years... so if you still
need help at finding profitable keywords here's an
article I wrote several years ago on:

"How To Find Profitable Keywords In 3 Easy Steps"

you can find it here:

Find Profitable Keywords

Kind Regards,


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