How To Make 2007 Your Year To Succeed
Newsletter Contents
o Make 2007 Your Year To Succeed
o My Number #1 Tip For Online Success
o Joel Comm's Christmas Adsense Gift
o Site Build It BUY-1 GET-1-FREE Holiday Special
o Make 2007 Your Year To Succeed
A few years ago I made 2005 my year to succeed online,
I had been struggling to make a decent income from
the net for over 3 or 4 years. I kept reading and
seeing countless success stories of ordinary people
making a good income online.
Was this all hype? Was it just to sell me another
marketing how-to info product that I couldn't afford?
Were people actually making money online, from the
web, from the comfort of their own homes?
It was very hard to believe! I was getting nowhere fast!
So I made 2005 my year my break or bust year - either I
would succeed or I would stop completely. I put this
promise into the back of my mind as dove into 2005 with
a fury of work.
I mention all this because 2005 was the year I started
to succeed, it didn't come overnight... sales were slow
at first. Then they gradually increased as my traffic
and marketing picked up steam. By oct of 2005 I was
starting to see consistent daily commissions of around
50 to 80. Not much by Internet standards but to
me this was a decent income.
Looking back on it, I did something different in 2005
that I didn't do in all those years proceeding... I
made a commitment to myself. I got serious about
making a living online. And that as the saying
goes - made all the difference in the world.
Please don't get me wrong, I am still not making
fantastic amounts of income. As I near the end of
2006 - I consistently make 100 to 200 aday. I have
had a few grand days but they have been the result of
special sales or bonus incentives from the different
affiliates programs I promote.
However, 2006 is the year I started to expand, I
created more websites, I am spending more in advertising
each month and I am gradually growing my online business.
It is also the first year I started referring to all
my online activities as a business. Because that's it's
what it is. A small home business. One that just happens to
be online.
I believe I wouldn't have this business today if I had
not made that commitment to myself. If I had not
finally decided to give Internet Marketing a chance.
Now what about You?
Are you trying to earn a decent income from web?
Do you want to start an online home business?
If you are - my suggestion to you is quite simple -
make 2007 your year to succeed. You must first
start with that commitment to yourself. Always
remember your Internet business starts and ends
with you. The success or failure of your business
happens between the keyboards and the seat you're
sitting on.
You can make it happen. You can succeed.
If I can succeed, anybody can succeed. I am not
being modest or foolish. If I can do it - so can
you. I started from the very beginning, by learning
html and working my way up... to where I am today...
but I am not stopping there and neither will you!
Once you truly get started, once you truly make
that commitment to yourself, once you make 2007
your year to succeed. You will!
Just go for it.
You can read my story here:
'In Search Of The $100 Click or How I Found A Full-Time
Online Income And Came To Love The Internet!'
o My Number #1 Tip For Online Success
If you're still searching for ways to make you
online activities or pursuits more successful
- here's my #1 tip.
Rather than buying the latest marketing info product
from the latest marketing Guru - join their affiliate
program and study from the inside how that particular
marketing expert "markets" their products.
Study all their techniques, their set-ups, how they
launch a product, how they promote... look at their
Newsletters, look at their videos, look at their
free products they use to build their contact lists...
I started this technique way back in the dark ages,
with marketers like Corey Rudl, Marlon Sanders, Neil
Shearing, Ken Evoy, Mark Joyner... and it's the best
marketing training on the Internet.
These marketers will SHOW HOW it's done. But you
have to look beyond their info products - watch
closely how they are marketing those products to
you and you will be one step ahead of the crowd!
o Joel Comm's Christmas Adsense Gifts
Lately I have been studying and promoting the
products of Joel Comm. He's a relatively new
person to the marketing scene, he has been on
the Internet for a long time but he juts recently
entered the marketing arena with his Adsense
Last year, there were many big products such as
Brad & Andy's "Stomper" program...
Rich Schefren's coaching program...
but for me Joel's Instant AdSense Templates has
to be among the best.
In fact, Joel's package was the most popular low-
price point package of the year! While others were
launching expensive products with a price tag of
$1000 or more, Joel shocked the online community
by putting together an enormous package filled with
unbelievable content for under $300!
Well, Joel is at it again...
And this time he has REALLY lost his mind.
Joel has donned a "Santa" hat and is GIVING AWAY
a FREE Christmas gift to everyone!
What's in the package?
Joel has created a FREE set of Instant AdSense Templates
for YOU to enjoy, whether you own his package or not!
He's also offering some other great marketing information
that you can use.
And the best part, you Won't have to give your
email address to download these gifts:
More importantly, Joel is a marketer worth studying
and keeping an eye on - I know I will be!
o Site Build It BUY-1 GET-1-FREE Holiday Special
Another marketer that's a gold-mine to study is
Ken Evoy. Anyone trying to start a website or
business online should study Ken Evoy.
Now Ken is also offering one of the
Best Deal Of This Holiday Season
Site Build It - "Buy-1-Get-1 Free" Is Back On!
This is still one of the best marketing deal on the
web and it's mainly because SBI builds compels you
to build site based on content.
Content Will always be King - on or off the web.
As Time Magazine has pointed out - YOU are that
content. Your interests, your hobbies, your own
You can create a website that is popular with the
search engines. You can earn a part-time or full-time
income online from your SBI site or sites. Now you
can get two sites for the price of one. Join as
an affiliate and you can get those two sites for
an even greater price!
SBI over delivers, gives you all the marketing and
design tools you need to run a competitive site on
the web. There's no reason why you can't start a
web or home business right now.
"Buy-1-Get-1 Free"
Treat yourself, or give these always as gifts to
a relative, friend or just someone you like. Makes
a great gift that keeps on giving, year after year.
But this deal is only good until the 25th of Dec. 2006
so act now:
Take The SBI! Video Tour
SBI Video Tour
or try here:
SBI Buy-1-Get-1 Free Deal
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