Can Microsoft's Bing Beat Google?
As a full-time online marketer I keep my eyes peeled to anything
new that hits the web. Especially if it has anything to do with
getting quality web traffic. My online income depends mainly on
getting that quality traffic from the different search engines but
mainly from Google which presently has control of roughly 70% of
the web's search traffic.
Now when any new search engine comes along, I have to
take a very close look at it to see if it will give Google
any serious competition. Most of these new search engines
won't have a chance in hell of competing with Google - excuse
my language but I think I needed to get this point across
strongly to you.
However, the new search engine from Microsoft called Bing
could possibly give Google some serious competition.
The chances are still unlikely because of Google's strong
standing, but Bing should be watched closely to see if
it cuts into Google's search numbers.
Anyway, this is another one of those wordy research pieces
looking at this issue... besides if you have a site you
should already be optimizing it for Bing. Never know this
search engine could take off, especially when you consider
Microsoft can throw a lot of money at promoting/advertising
I am already seeing some traffic from Bing in my different
sites' log stats so they have my attention. They should also
have your attention...
Anyway here is the article:
Can Microsoft's Bing Beat Google In The Search Engine Wars?
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