Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Changing A Webhost Can Affect Your Rankings In Google

Over the weekend, because I was having a lot of problems with
one of my web hosts, I simply had to change where the site
was hosted. Now, I usually wait till the last minute to change
webhosts because it's usually a lot of work and you can run
into unexpected problems.

This time around, the transfer went very smoothly, and my site
was only down for less than a day. I was feeling quite proud
of myself until...

...while checking my keywords today in Google I received
a total shock. My site had dispeared from the rankings.

Completely Gone!

Hopefully, this is just a temporary problem and the rankings
and site will again be listed in Google. They are still running
my PPC - so that's probably a good sign.

This has never happened to me before - I have changed hosts for
many websites in the past and my rankings in Google have never
been affected. One site back in 2007 was down for over a
week but the rankings still stayed in Google.

Hopefully this is only a temporary problem and once the site
is spidered again - it will be listed.

It is still in Yahoo and Bing, but Google has sent the majority
of my traffic so this is major set-back for this site.

Just points out to me, how crucial those top Google rankings
are for that site or any stie for that matter. Must get them back
as soon as possible.

Although I can't remember ever having a site disappear like that
so quickly. Often it is a matter of waiting to see what happens...

Site in question

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