Friday, November 18, 2011

Can Apple's Siri Defeat Google?

This week's post deals with Apple's new
Siri technology which uses the spoken word
to answer your questions.

Some search engine experts are saying that
this new language search will kill SEO as
we know it and change everything.

There is even an interesting article in Forbes
saying that Siri is a Google Killer!

While I wouldn't go that far, this new Apple
Siri does pose some very interesting questions
for the future of search and the web in general.

One thing is for sure, Google won't go gentle
into that good night or go down without a fight.
And they have the resources to back up that
fight and then some.

However, probably the only company at present,
besides Microsoft, which has around the equal
resources is Apple and Apple is coming on
strong even after Steve Jobs.

Let's face it-

Apple showed us how to use the Walkman.

Apple showed us how to use the Smart Phone.

Apple showed us how to use the Tablet.

Can Apple show us how to use a search engine?

This upcoming showdown, if there is one,
will definitely be something every webmaster
and online marketer should be aware of and
if you want to know why, simply go here:

Can Apple's Siri Defeat Google?

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