Friday, May 16, 2014

May 24th Weekend And Marketing Stuff

May 24th Weekend And Marketing Stuff

In our part small part of the world, May 24th weekend
marks the start of the summer season: BBQs, camping trips,
long hikes... and a backyard party or two. The Long Weekend
rarely falls on May 24th (Queen Victoria's birthday) but it still
honors her or at least that's the official excuse for the
holiday. Canadians just think of it as the weekend they
open up their cottages or cabins for the summer.

For me, as a former teacher, it also marks the beginning
of the end for the school year with things winding down
and lessons being finished up before exams start. Days
full of revision and special school outings to celebrate
the past year. Old memories now, but traditions die hard.

The same goes for my online marketing, I usually gear down
my promotions in the summer and start up again in the fall.

I have been online now for over 15 years and this stuff
still gets more interesting as time passes. Doing everything
without Google has been a major challenge but well worth it.
Mainly because it has made things new again... like starting

I have gone back to basics. Promoting my three main guides
to build my list of prospects in Online Fax, Laptops and
Marketing Tools. Keeping everything focused has always
been a challenge for me but it can be done.

I recently did a major revisit of the complete Online Fax Topic...
doing a long post and press release. Internet fax and virtual PBX
will always be at the forefront of my online marketing and sites.
Still lots to do in this niche before I am finished.

The next niche market which I will be revisiting fully in
the coming weeks, is the whole laptop guide content. I will
be paying special attention to "gaming laptops" as this has
been one of my best performing niches on the web. It takes
a lot of time but it is definitely worth it.

Anyway, if you're Canadian - happy enjoy the long weekend.

If you're stuck at home or beside a computer and want to
find out more about my main site and the things I am
promoting/marketing you can find the site Here.

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