Article Marketing Fully Explained
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BWMagic's Web Marketing News!
Read This Newsletter Online:
Special Edition: Article Marketing
o Article Marketing Business Model
o Proof of Income
o Why Article Marketing Really Works
o Article Example:
o Article Directories
o Article Software
I have devoted a full newsletter dealing with
article marketing. Since it is the main reason
I can work full-time online I believe a detailed
explanation of just what is article marketing
would prove very helpful to anyone who wants
to monetize their site or sites.
A full detailed description with real examples
of how I have made writing simple articles work
for me. Along with some helpful marketing tips
coming from first-hand experience.
Why you ask?
Last week, I got an e-mail from one of the affiliate
networks (LinkShare) - the manager handling the Dell
affiliate account wanted to know how I was sending so
much traffic to their site. What business model was
I using?
Actually, I think they were concerned I was using
some kind of Adware or third party sites to deliver
the traffic. The confusion was mainly caused by my
hosting banners and images on my own site/server to
have faster download times. These impressions were not
showing up in my affiliate stats and I had impossibly
high CTR click thru rates. If you're familiar with affiliate
marketing you will know exactly what I am talking about.
If you're not familiar with affiliate marketing, just
know that all my traffic is legit and comes from very
reliable sources.
o Article Marketing Business Model
The email inquiry make me sit down and take a close
look at my whole 'business model', I usually refer to
it as my main online marketing system. And I have always
considered it a rather simple system.
At the heart of my 'business model' is article marketing.
I write simple articles on the topics within my sites
and distribute them all over the web. Attached to these
articles are all those important One-Way links back to my
sites in the resource box at the end of each article.
Once visitors hit my site I offer them more information first
and then try to sell my related affiliate product or/and
capture their contact information for further follow-up
This marketing system is not new, thousands upon thousands
of online marketers and webmasters are using it. Nor is it
hard to do - anyone can set a simple marketing system
using articles.
And it is very effective.
o Proof of Income
I think showing proof of income is very tacky, it is
something I usually never do. In polite society, it
is rather rude to talk directly about how much you earn,
or at least it is in my neck of the woods.
Don't get the wrong impression, I am not one of
those marketers claiming they're raking in millions
of bucks but I have been drawing a steady income
from the web for a few years now. And that income has
been slowly increasing as I build more sites and add
more content.
o Why Article Marketing Really Works
People want proof. People want real evidence that what
you're saying is true. On the Internet this is more
true than elsewhere - at first people simply don't trust
you or believe what you're saying is true.
Building Trust Is The Key
The key to any online marketing system is to build
trust with your visitors and customers. Once you
have passed that hurdle, all else just flows naturally:
traffic, subscribers, sales...
Gaining trust and credibility is your biggest obstacle.
This is why articles are so important. They can be your
simple vehicles for gaining someone's trust.
How to gain trust?
Never be a salesman in your articles, instead be a teacher,
journalist, writer, enthusiast... write your articles from
this point of view. Write valuable informative articles that
will help your reader solve a problem or provide needed
information they actually want to receive. Use humor as your
ice-breaker but never become just a joker - offer serious
information along with the one liners.
Real Example of Article Marketing
Here's an article marketing system I use for one
area of my main business site. I have a simple online
notebook computer guide where visitors can find out
different information on laptops.
To bring traffic and visitors to this online laptop
guide, I write very simple articles on laptops.
First, I target a group of people I want to market
to - in this case, college students, parents of students,
aunts/uncles giving graduation gifts, etc.
This is a year round market, but it really heats up in
the spring and summer. Graduation gifts and students
equipping for the upcoming school year - the good old
'back-to-school' market. Very lucrative!
Do Keyword Research
First, you have to do some serious keyword research
before you write you article. I use professional keyword
research software by Brad Callen called Keyword Elite
but you can use any of the free online keyword suggestion
resources. Here's a good one:
Obviously, I am not going to pick totally out of reach
or too competitive keywords like 'laptops' - I would never
be able to place on the first SERPs in the search engines
for that keyword. But longer phrases (long-tail-keywords)
are useful because I know I will place on the first
page for those within a few days.
'notebooks for students', 'student laptops' and so on.
I like to include my main keywords in the title of
the article. And I also like to include my main Benefit
in the title of my articles if I can.
o Article Example:
Cheap Laptops For Cash-Strapped College Students
(How to Find Cheap Top Quality Student Laptops)
This is an article I wrote around a year ago, if you
do a search in Google with the quotation marks you
will see this article is on 925 sites across the
All those sites displaying my article are like little
mini-selling agents, pre-selling my information
and bringing interested buyers back to my site
and affiliate links.
Now that's just one article, multiply that number
by 100's of articles and you should realize how powerful
article marketing truly is.
Also realize, your articles are picked up by related
sites - directly related to your site's topic. These
are all relevant One-Way Links (Votes) for your site.
Google will reward you by raising your rankings for
your site and the keywords tied into your articles.
Organic traffic from the search engines is the real
benefit of article marketing.
Now here is the actual article:
Feature Article
Cheap Laptops For Cash-Strapped College Students
(How to Find Cheap Top Quality Student Laptops)
Copyright © 2006 Titus Hoskins.
Finding a cheap laptop for college is an easy task. Laptop
prices have fallen steadily over the last couple of years
as marketplace competition heats up and production costs
come down. You can now get a laptop for under $400.
But you must proceed with caution -- as that old expression
on ancient maps stated: Here There Be Monsters!
For you just don't want any old cheap laptop; you want
a high quality machine that will offer good performance
and won't go kapoots half way through the semester. You
want a laptop that can accomplish all those student
assignments and easily handle all those MP3 and movie
downloads! In other words, the laptop you buy must be
able to get the job done.
You want a quality laptop that's relatively small and
lightweight; yet sturdy and shock proof. You will need
a laptop with a good comfortable keyboard for typing up
all those assignments. You may have to purchase a tablet
notebook if you need a laptop for a lot of note-taking
in class.
If you're buying a used or refurbished laptop you should
have it checked out by a Laptop Technician or if this is not
practical, bring along a friend who knows computers or laptops
-- there's a computer geek in every crowd.
Finding a top quality laptop at a bargain price may take
some work on your part so here are some suggestions to
make your job easier:
Try Your Friends and Neighbors
First, check around with your friends, neighbors and
colleagues -- many may have good quality laptops to sell
or even give you! Why? Many people constantly upgrade to
the latest laptop technology -- Intel and AMD have just
introduced laptops with Duo or Dual Core processors and
many laptop enthusiasts are dishing their old perfectly
good laptops for the newer faster sexier models.
(Why does that sound so familiar!)
So check around, you may be able to purchase a good
second hand laptop for next to nothing. Or in exchange
for work (lawn mowing, yard work...) or services
(baby sitting, shopping...) offered over the summer.
Try eBay
Perhaps, the cheapest high quality laptops can be found
on eBay. But again, you must check out carefully both
the product and the seller. Make sure you do your
homework and thoroughly check out the laptops before
you buy. Make sure you don't end up with a useless
Try A Refurbished Laptop
You can save a bundle by buying a refurbished laptop
directly from the major Laptop Manufacturers. These
laptops offer very good quality at much cheaper
prices. So check around for a refurbished laptop.
Try Online Bargain Stores Such as
You may want to check out the many bargain online
stores or super sites such as,, and the countless others.
These stores may also offer refurbished laptops,
but keep your eyes open for those monsters.
Try Amazon
Don't forget Amazon, they now sell new and used
laptops at some very competitive prices. If you
have any rich uncles or aunts (relatives) tell them
you have an Amazon Wishlist... place a wish for a good
laptop at the top. Hey, don't laugh - it happens!
Try Dell Coupons And Rebates
Recently, Dell, HP and a few other laptop makers
have come out with $400 laptops after rebates
or coupons. These are usually level entry laptops
but may be perfectly fine for students.
Don't Forget To Haggle
If you're buying a laptop from a favorite
vendor or store -- always ask for a discount
or bargain. Many times haggling will get you
a better price or some nice upgrades with
a few extras thrown in. No harm in trying.
And Keep Those Eyes Open
Purchasing a good quality cheap student laptop
can be done if you try some of the places listed
above. If you're on a very strict budget, most
college students are, you can save a lot money
by shopping around and using the advice given
here. Just keep in mind, as you open your purse
or wallet to buy that bargain student laptop,
keep your eyes peeled for any monsters that may
be lurking around.
For more information on Buying Notebooks and Laptops at
Bargain Prices Click Here: Cheap Laptops
Or find the perfect student laptop here: Laptops for Students
Copyright © 2006 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
o Article Directories
I submit my articles to online directories.
One of the top ones is - this
one sends me the most traffic.
Use it not only for the traffic but use it to take full
advantage of its PR6 ranking in Google. Here's one of the
most important marketing tips or tricks I learned very early
in the game.
If you're just starting out your site will usually not
be ranked very high in Google (Google ranks the importance
of all the pages on the web on a scale of 0 to 10) and it
will be very difficult to get first page rankings for your
But a simple way around this is to use higher ranked
sites like Ezinearticles to rank well and get your
content and links into Google first page results.
Your keywords/article/content will reach your audience
via Ezinearticles, sending back targeted visitors to
your site.
Use different articles to target different keywords and
soon you will have plenty of traffic flowing back to your
site via Google Search thru Ezinearticles.
But Ezinearticles is not the only article directories,
there are hundreds of them...
o Article Software
If you're not familiar with them, Brad Callen has a new
Article Submitter, software you can use to submit your
articles to around 100 directories for free. You have
to pay a small fee if you want to use the full 600
directories but 100 will get your started.
Remember, this is a way of marketing his software but
Brad has some of the best marketing software you can
buy (my opinion) and his Article Submitter is no
Free Article Submitter:
Like all good software - it saves you time. Submitting
your articles to all these directories and sites does
take a lot of time but the rewards are well worth it.
Other Article Marketing Software/Products
There are two other article marketing products that
I would recommend you look at.
The first one is Instant Article Wizard - this will
help you write articles very quickly.
Article writing is not high literature. It's simple
helpful information to guide your readers thru
a problem to a solution. Even if that problem is
where to buy WidgetB online at the best price.
Instant Article Wizward is software that will
help you write and compose articles within
minutes. It's a handy little tool that will
save you time, especially if you find writing
articles and content difficult to do.
The Second Article product is Dan Loh's "Secret Article
This is an eBook that gives you some helpful
information on article marketing. Secret Article
Profits is another resource you should look at
if you're interested in getting the most out of
your article marketing.
You can take months or even years to learn this
information or you can buy this ebook and get the
info right away. Just a very good time-saver!
Article marketing is a simple way of building links,
getting traffic and making sales. Hope you found
this Newsletter helpful and you will try article
marketing and see the benefits for yourself.
Kind Regards,
Titus Hoskins
Labels: articel writing, article marketing, free article submitter, instant article wizard, secret article profits
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