How To Check Google's Supplemental Index
BWMagic's Web Marketing News!
o What is Your Income Source?
o How To Check Google's Supplemental Index For Your Pages?
o Marketing Tip: Add the AddThis Button to Your Site
o What is Your Income Source?
As someone who is earning a good living from my web
sites I try to do everything I possibly can to improve
these sites. It simply means more checks in the mail
and more trips to the bank.
I especially keep my eyes peeled to Google. Mainly
because it is directly or indirectly responsible for
80% of my trips to the bank!
Google is my main source of earnings. Number #1 ranked
keywords and traffic from Google are responsible for
most of it. Then I tie in content linked to affiliate
products from Commission Junction, LinkShare, AffiliateWindow,
Shareasale, Amazon, LinkConnector, ClickBank...
I find myself moving more and more away from Information
(How-To) products, and marketing more business services
and luxury items. I also sell some very common everyday
items from my websites.
Although I am using 100's of affiliate programs and
products - my original source of income is Google.
Without traffic there are no sales.
I never forget that fact. I must try and keep in touch
with everything Google is doing. And apply most of my
limited time to my true source of my online living.
What about you? Have you evern sat down and figure out
the main source of your online income?
Different marketers have different techniques, some
use Pay-Per-Click advertising and buy their traffic.
Some marketers build large opt-in lists and use these
as their main bread-winners. The real smart marketers
produce their own products and recruit other affiliates
to promote and sell their products.
You must narrow down your main source of income and
focus the majority of your energies on it. Might sound
pretty obvious but are you really doing that each day????
o Google's Supplemental Index
Lately, as my ongoing obession with Google takes
full bloom, (main reason explained above) I have been
looking very closely at Google's Supplemental Index.
Google takes pages which it judges to be less important
and places them in a Supplemental Index. It is really
saying they don't trust these pages as much as those
in its main Index.
Google's Supplemental Index is not new. It goes way
back to 2003!
But lately Google seems to putting more emphasis on
the Supplemental Index and placing more pages there.
One can only guess, but it may have to do with improving
their SERPs - the more relevant their search results
become, the higher quality their flagship product will
Regarless, you don't want your pages in this Supplemental
Index unless they are really unimportant pages (are there
any such things?) on your site.
How To Check Google's Supplemental Index
To check the Google's Supplementa Index for
pages on your own site, you can do this:
Go to Google search and type in: *** -sjpked
replacing 'yoursite' with your domain/site
to see what pages are indexed in Google's
Supplemental Index.
Mostly you will see any duplicated content or pages,
plus you may see some really old pages. What you don't
want to see are your main important pages listed in
this supplemental index.
If you see any important pages there - you should
check your whole linking structure of your site.
Are these pages linked properly? Are they orphaned?
Are they well positioned in your internal site
How To Calculate Your Supplemental Index Ratio
You can get your percentage of Supplemental results
by dividing the number of pages in the supplemental
index by the total number of pages in the main index. *** -sjpked
This will give you a good indication of the overall
health of your site. If you have too high a ratio
or too many pages in the supplemental index - fix
your site's linking structure and remove duplicate
content. Make sure any robots can crawl all of
your pages or the ones you want them to crawl.
It is always a good practice to keep on the good
side of Google. Don't do anything to bring unneeded
attention to your site.
o Marketing Tip: Add the AddThis Button to Your Site
One way you can keep your site competitive and in
the game is to fully embrace all the new social media
sites. These sites will be the traffic hubs of
the Internet. You must get your site tangled up
and connected to these traffic hubs or your site
will suffer.
Don't know what these social bookmarking sites are?
Just click this link and you will see a whole list
of these sites:
Now you can place the very convenient AddThis
button to all your webpages and make it easy
for your visitors to bookmark your site.
Sometimes the simple stuff is what works the best!
Much Success,
Titus Hoskins
P.S. I have found one of the best ways to
succeed on the web is by providing helpful
information to others. No reason why you
can't do the same!
Just point them to this blog:
Some of my sites: <--- Free Guides, Resources, Tools<--- Helpful Marketing Resources <--- Free Pda Phones ttp:// <--- F.ree Business Mazagines <--- One Stop Online Business
Labels: addthis, google, google supplemental index, online income
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