Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Let's Hope This Panda Roars

Well, at least Google's latest Panda Algorithm Update has
many webmasters and site owners calling foul. They believe
their sites have been adversely affected by Google's latest
try at cutting down on low quality sites and content farms.
As of yet, few of my sites have been affected, so I am keeping
my fingers crossed, but I take a much more relaxed view of
these Google Updates, even the major ones which come with
a name.

Last year's Mayday update hit me hard in the "long tail" but
I am still operating. Most times it's just a matter of
adjusting your SEO and the way you create your content.
If Google wants more high quality unique content on your
site - just shut up and put it there. What Google wants,
Google will generally get it - so why beat around the bush
and whine.

Now, what has upset many webmasters and some of them rightly so...
CNN just reported that Google's Algorithm change has affected
around 1 Billion in revenue or sales... if you're on the losing
end of that equation, maybe you have a right to protest. See some
sites which have been negatively affected here at
WebProNews: Foner Books and Suite101.

Like me, if you have experienced countless Google Updates,
you will realize Google usually does some fine tuning after
the hatchet falls. Traffic in most cases will come back if you
just wait awhile. I am hoping this is the case here too.

We all like to believe we produce superior content... but we
all have to take a close look to make sure it is indeed superior
to most of the stuff out there. This update will make webmasters
think twice before putting low quality content on their site...
if Google will penalize your site for it.

However, what really has me worried - will Google apply the same
"game over" call on your site like they do in their Adwords program.
In that program, once your site is judged as low quality... it's the
end - no amount of whining, fussing or begging will get your site
listed again. Go away, we don't want your business.

It's this kind of attitude that has many webmasters upset this time.
Google is the only game in town, if Google doesn't want you in their
game, it's the end of the road for many good hard working webmasters.
Or at least they will have to find other ways of getting quality
traffic to their site.

However, it's the search engine traffic from Google that's most
prized and appreciated, not to mention, the most valuable. Cleaning
up their index is a good idea for Google and everyone concerned.
Getting rid of spammy sites with little or no unique content is
also a good idea. Making only high quality content available to
web users has to be applauded and cheered.

I just hope Google can get it right. I just hope this Panda roars
and only the cream rises to the top.

More information on this topic:

Google's Latest "Content Farm" Update - Here We Go Again

Titus Hoskins

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