Thursday, July 14, 2011

List Building With Google+

List building is a topic I have been following for years and it's
something I have been doing for just as long. I build lists in numerous niche markets to stay in contact with my visitors and to promote my affiliate products.

Google+ was a real eye-turner for me, mainly because I could quickly
see the great potential Google's latest social networking program can
have for list building. Especially the "Circles" feature, which lets you
sort your contacts into different groups.

Also, you have many ways to contact your subscribers with both text
and video. This will come in handy, especially if you build small groups
relating to certain topics or tasks. For example, if you run an affiliate
program, you can sort all your A list promoters in one section and do have a "Huddle" or contact them in "Hangouts".

One of the major difficulties with list building is not the ACTUAL
building, but developing meaningful relationships with your contacts
or subscribers once you have them on your list. Google+ could play a
major role in overcoming this problem and help with establishing
those relationships.

Anyway, I was so excited about this new program, I wrote an article
explaining how you can build your list with Google+.

You can find it here: List Building with Google+

Or if you want to find out more about list building just click the link.


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