How I Got 70,000 Useless Visitors To My Site In One Day!
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o How I Got 70,000 Useless Visitors To My Site In One Day!
(One Online Marketer's Analysis of Social Bookmark Traffic)
o AddThis BookMark
o How to Rank #1 in Google
o How I Got 70,000 Useless Visitors To My Site In One Day!
I debated whether to use the word "Useless" in the title
of this article/report because no visitor to your site
is "Useless" but from a totally marketing point of view
these visitors weren't the kind of visitors I want or
usually attract to my site.
This article points out some of the real disadvantages
of using social bookmark traffic but it also has some
big pluses so read to find out what they are...
Feature Article
How I Got 70,000 Useless Visitors To My Site In One Day!
(One Internet Marketer's Analysis of Social Bookmark Traffic)
Copyright © 2007 Titus Hoskins
Recently, a page on one of my websites was bookmarked
or listed on Digg, a popular social bookmark site. It
gave me the perfect opportunity to study and analyze
the traffic coming from these social media sites. Read
to discover the advantages and disadvantages of social
bookmark traffic and how it can be applied to your
own online marketing or site.
Is Social BookMark Traffic Useless?
First, we must make the distinction that no traffic
is useless. Any visitor to your site is a good thing
and should be welcomed. However, all traffic is not
created equally, there are great differences in the
sources of your traffic. This article takes a close
analytical look at social bookmark traffic from an
internet marketing perspective.
In case you haven't noticed, right now social bookmark
and media sites are all the rage on the web. Social
bookmark traffic comes from such popular sites as
Slashdot, Digg, Stumbleupon... basically these sites
are driven by their users - that is, users or members
pick and bookmark the content they want to view and
These social bookmark sites are extremely popular;
they command the high traffic numbers most ordinary
sites can only dream about obtaining.
But is this social bookmark traffic useful?
Is it worth your time? Should you be actively promoting
to these social media sites? Is social bookmark traffic
of any use to the affiliate marketer? Should you
concentrate your online marketing efforts on these
types of sites? More importantly, what are the benefits
and disadvantages of getting a front page listing on
a sites like Digg or Stumbleupon?
As a full-time online marketer I wanted to know the
answers to those questions. Moreover, I wanted to
discover how or if I could use these sites from
an online marketer's advantage; i.e. how can they
help me create more online income.
Recently, the Digg listing gave me a first-hand
opportunity to really study these sites.
Of course, nothing happens without a reason... I did
actually court these social bookmark sites by placing
the free bookmark on all my pages. You can
do the same. This simple bookmark lets your visitors
bookmark your content for you in all these sites; it
only takes a few seconds to place the bookmark code
on your webpages.
But be careful; getting your site featured on the
front page of these sites can drive 100,000's of
visitors to your site immediately, so much traffic
that it may overtax your server and crash it.
So be warned; if you're actively promoting to these
social bookmark sites just make sure your servers or
web hosting is up to the demanding task of handling
all these sudden visitors.
In my case, it didn't crash my servers but unfortunately,
the page/link in question featured an old poorly
written article I did on the history of the Internet.
It was just some random facts and things about the web,
not really an article at all. Why it was even
featured on Digg is a puzzle and beyond me.
But still I am not one to waste an opportunity, so I
put my Google Analytics into overdrive and starting
analyzing these visitors and social bookmark traffic.
It pointed out some very interesting factors about this
social bookmark traffic.
Most of this traffic will:
* simply bounce back
* very few visitors will spend much time on your site
* very few visitors will even venture into your site
* very few will sign-up to your newsletter
* very few will enter your marketing follow-ups/funnels
(The unknown variable here being the content on your
site, how good it is? How well does it perform?)
Regardless, one common problem with traffic from these
sites, it's very temporary traffic. The high volume
will only last a few days... until your item is moved
back from the front page.
These visitors will not stay on your site long and
most are gone within seconds, never to be seen again.
A few may sign up to your newsletter or venture to
other areas of your site but not many.
Social bookmark traffic is very fleeting, like
customers in the drive-thru section in a fast
food restaurant, they grab the content and surf back
to the major linking site very quickly and surf
on to the next item.
This traffic will behave very differently than
organic traffic from the search engines, or from
your newsletter traffic or from traffic in your
marketing funnels. Much different.
It was unlike getting one of my articles featured
in Addme or SiteProNews, where I can easily get 200
or 300 new subscribers in a day. Plus, these visitors
are interested in my information and have been exposed
to my content (article) before coming to my site.
So there was no comparison; I would take the
traffic from these sites any day over traffic
from the social bookmark sites. And I would
take free organic traffic from the search engines
over any other source of traffic including
PPC traffic.
So the question remains - is social bookmark traffic
First, as I mentioned before, you must realize no
traffic is useless; any visitors to your site is a
good thing. Without traffic your site is worthless,
just a few files sitting on a server in the middle
of nowhere.
Obtaining visitors is one of your first objectives
as a webmaster. You have to get visitors to your
site or it's game over.
The best kind of traffic is traffic coming from
organic search, visitors who come from the search
engines seeking exactly what you're offering on
your site. These are targeted visitors who will
consider your offer, real your information,
maybe buy a product or sign-up to your newsletter
or follow-up system. They often become repeat
visitors to your site. These are your ideal visitors.
This is the kind of traffic you want.
Social bookmark/media traffic is different but it
does have some saving graces.
Mainly it can help expose your site to millions and
help brand your site or business. It can get the word
out about your site. Start a buzz.
If you have a site that appeals to the mass market,
then these social sites could be an excellent
recruiting ground for visitors and traffic.
These social sites are good for another reason;
getting your links on all these high traffic,
high PR7 and PR8 sites can't hurt your search
engine rankings. Once featured on a site like
Digg, your link will appear on many secondary
sites around the web, so far 500+ and counting.
Monkey see, monkey do. Although it has never been
my main ambition to get featured on, all
these sites do have high PR ranks so from a SEO
standpoint it is not necessarily a bad thing.
Since many of these visitors will be using the
Firefox browser which has the Alexa toolbar
embedded - your site's traffic rank will increase.
Over 50% of the bookmark traffic coming to my site
were using the Firefox browser. Alexa's traffic
rankings are not a true picture of the web's
traffic but it's a good measuring stick,
Google might even consider it when ranking your
site. Google basically considers their whole
indexing system as a democratic voting structure...
sites give a vote by linking to your content;
wouldn't it also be reasonable to assume more
traffic means more votes. So wouldn't getting a
lot of traffic or being featured on a site like
Digg where the users vote to propel the best
content to the front be the ultimate vote.
One strange thing I did notice, for some reason
the traffic from Stumbleupon was different. These
visitors stayed longer on my site and reacted more
like organic traffic. Maybe the Stumbleupon site is
of a higher quality and this may have been reflected
in the quality of the visitors coming from there.
It also reminded me, all traffic from these social
media sites can't be judged with the one brush.
This whole experience also pointed out another
important factor; it made me realize how unsuited
my content is for the general web surfer or the
mainstream web. Just how much my online sites are
geared towards marketing and selling. My main goal
as an affiliate marketer is to gather leads and make
sales for the companies and products I promote. All
my sites and content were planned and organized to
first draw in targeted (warmed up) visitors from free
organic search and from my online articles.
If I or anyone wanted to take advantage of this
social media traffic, you would have to create
your site/content to appeal to these surfers and
then somehow draw them into your marketing funnels.
I don't know if the majority of the users of these
bookmark sites would make good prospects, but my
guess is not very likely, the nature of the beast.
But it would largely depend on what you're offering
on your site and how well it is suited to these users.
So I am not drawing any conclusions yet.
Hopefully, I will have further chances to study traffic
from these social sites and get the long-term effects,
especially in regards to my keyword rankings in the
search engines before making any final judgments.
For now I will keep an open mind but the jury is still
way out whether or not social bookmark traffic is worth
the interruption to the daily marketing tasks of your site.
Just seems like much ado about nothing.
The author is a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites,
including two sites on Internet marketing. For the latest
and most effective web marketing tools try: Internet Marketing Tools
Or why not try these excellent free training manuals and videos:
Free Marketing Courses
Copyright © 2007 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed
if this resource box stays attached.
o Social Bookmark
As I have mentioned before, regardless of my views
on the matter, getting all those visitors to your
site is a great boost to your morale if not your
One very simple way to do this is to do exactly what
I did. I simply put the free bookmark
on my content and site.
Folks, as you can see for above, it works.
Only takes a minute to join and a few more to put
the code on your webpages.

o How to Rank #1 in Google
It's no secret that the best road to an online
income is ranking int the #1-#5 spots in Google
for your keywords. Best three spots is ideal,
getting the number #1 spot in Google is pure joy!
I have held number #1 spots in Google for
some keywords now for many years... I never
take these for granted and make no mistake
- it does take constant effort to keep them
Mainly link building with quality content other
sites want to feature on their sites and are willing
to give you a link in return. If you produce quality
content and information others want - you will get
the links and the higher rankings.
I explain my whole process in the eCourse offered
thru my main second site:
A lot of people sign up for this course, but only
around 95% finish it! Can't help but notice this
is about the range of failure rate on the web...
only 5% ever make any money from online programs
or sites.
Of course, my writing is a bit winded and it's not
easy to explain stuff online... and it is very hard
to stick to one course and succeed.
Besides there are many ways to succeed online and
you pretty much have to find what works for you and
not someone else. You must find you own road.
However, there are many programs and ways of doing
this. Here's another road or way I would like to pass
along to you and yes this is an affiliate link.
I just found out that for the first time ever,
Internet marketing powerhouse Derek Gehl is
giving away 30-Day Trials of his exclusive
"Search Marketing Lab."
If you don't who Derek Gehl is - he is the person
who took over Internet Marketing Center when
Corey Rudl died suddenly in a car crash a few
years back.
For the next 30 days, you'll get an "all access"
backstage pass to Derek's private search marketing
testing labs where, using his tutorial videos,
breaking news reports, and discussion forum,
you'll discover how to flood your website with
unlimited FREE traffic from Google, Yahoo, and MSN...
... Using the same *secret formula* Derek has used
to beat out 294 MILLION competitors for #1 and #2
rankings for three years running.
To get your 30-Day Trial Pass to Derek's
"Search Marketing Lab," visit:
Kind Regards,
Titus Hoskins
Labels: digg, Google Analytics, organic traffic, social bookmark traffic, social media sites, stumpleupon, website traffic
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