Thursday, September 20, 2007

Take The Slow Road To A Passive Online Income

BWMagic's Web Marketing News!

Read This Newsletter Online:


o BlogRush From John Reese

o Take The Slow Road To A Passive Online Income

o Passive Cashflow Secrets

o Next Internet Millionaire


o BlogRush From John Reese

If you know Internet Marketing, John Reese
is always someone you should keep a close eye

After all, John created online marketing history
by earning over 1 million in ONE day with the release
of his much respected "Traffic Secrets".

Now he has released an interesting little program
called BlogRush. It's a simple way to get F.ree
traffic to blog. It syndicates your blog topics on
other related blogs so you get targeted visitors.

Except for TrafficSwarm, I don't use any of these
traffic programs anymore - but this one is probably
going to be another exception.

It doesn't really has nothing to do with the program
but rather with the nature of blogs. How blogs
work. BlogRush is tailor made for blogs.

It will fit perfectly into the syndication feature
already presented by the RSS feed that's attached
to every blog. Just tap into this feed and your
content is syndicated over hundreds, even thousands
of related blogs who are also using BlogRush.

Just one more way to get traffic to your blog. Well
worth your effort.

The best part, BlogRush is Free so there's no
harm in trying this one:


Or if you want to see how I have placed this on my
own blog. You can check it out here:

Marketing Weblog

Feature Article

I debated really hard with myself before I wrote
this article. Mainly because it is not what most
people starting up an online site or business
want to hear. I know this article won't be popular
or win me any new friends!

In this article I spell out an all too obvious truth -
there are no quick fixes. There are no magic formulas
for quickly earning money online. Sure there are things
that work, programs you can follow... marketers and
marketing techniques you can duplicate.

But there is one important element that most marketers
trying to sell you their product avoid or worst simply
lie to you about.

What they don't want to tell you is that (in most cases)
building an online income takes time. A whole lot of
time and planning. It is simply not done overnight.

Sorry but there are no quick fixes. There are no magical
formulas or fast forwards!

If you want to build a solid steady online income
you have to put in the time... I will let the article
give you all the gritty details.

o Take The Slow Road To A Passive Online Income
Copyright © 2007 Titus Hoskins

The promise of instant wealth and riches has always
been a successful marketing ploy by marketers.
Unfortunately, more times than not, they are the only
ones raking in the big bucks. Don't be fooled by any
quick fixes, building a passive online income takes
time and a whole lot of planning to get the job done

Still, many people are tempted by the offer of a
quick fix and the promise of overnight success.
Don't be.

Building a solid lasting online business requires some
planning and time. Don't be under the illusion that
building a steady online income can be done overnight
or with just a few clicks of the mouse. It usually
doesn't happen that way even in the virtual world.

This is probably not what you want to hear for in our
hastily created "Instant Society" we want everything
five minutes ago. We want immediate gratification.
We want it done already.

We want the quick fix.

To make matters worst, we are constantly bombarded with
stories of how ordinary people have struck it rich and
made money very quickly online. The swift speed of the
Internet has fueled these 'get rich quick' scenarios up
to a fever pitch. A virtual fiery inferno!

But don't be taken in by all this marketing hype and stories
of people who have made money quickly and easily. Slow down.
Take a deep breath and use your brain cells in at least
multiples of 10!

Sure there are online marketers who can generate thousands,
even millions within a few days but in almost all these
cases these marketers have built a solid foundation first.
They have built their sites, created products, cemented
business deals, formed JV (Joint Venture) partners, built
their contact lists and they have done their SEO work...

In other words, they have done the ground-work first
and have created the means to generate income quickly
and steadily.

Regardless of what these successful online marketers
will tell you or want you to believe - it didn't just
happen overnight. Of course, there are a few exceptions
to that statement (people do win lotteries) but what
most of these marketers have in common are long tern
marketing strategies which played a significant role
in their success.

Long tern marketing strategies which helped them build
a steady passive online income. The same strategies you
can use to generate your own passive online cashflow.

Here are some suggestions from someone who is drawing a
healthy passive online income, actual strategies you
can copy.

1. Think Long Term

Save your immediate fixes for the spaying of dogs and
Las Vegas weddings. Have a long term goal in mind when
you set out to create your online affiliate income. Don't
expect it to happen in a couple of days, instead plan on
months and even years of building your online business from
the ground up.

Have the mind-set that you're creating long term relationships
and objectives. Have a long term business plan in place or
at least realize you will have to put time aside to build
your business. If you need income to live on, don't quit
your day job. Work on building your online income in your
spare time and after working hours.

Along the way, take time to obtain a solid knowledge base.
Learn everything you can on Internet marketing. Learn how
it's done. Knowledge and 'know-how' will be your main
ingredients for success.

2. Your Unique Selling Position

The Internet is mainly based on the transfer of information.
Make sure you have some to offer. Base your online business
on something you have expertise in or something that you
would enjoy becoming an expert on - play to your own interests
and hobbies. If you love what you do it will not be work.

Create your own corner of the web on something that truly
interests you. Something as simple as creating "How To Guides"
and "Comparison Shopping Sites" do extremely well online.
Information on the web is scattered all over the place,
simply compiling this information in an easy to read and
access manner will produce surprising results. One of your
main goals should be to get your site seen by all the search
engines as an "Authority Site" on your particular subject matter.

3. Target and Dominate Your Niche Keywords

Do your keyword research homework first. The web is powered
by keywords - the exact phrases people type into search
engines to find what they're looking for on the web.
Find the highly searched for keywords in your niche or
subject area and target them in your online marketing.
Please remember, achieving top keyword rankings may take
months ( more likely years) of consistent SEO work.

Use sites like WordTracker or GoodKeywords to find your
useful keywords. Create web pages and content related to
your keywords. Build quality one-way links to these keywords
by writing helpful and informative articles on your niche.
Submit these articles to online directories like Ezinearticles,

Invest in a professional keyword research software such
as Keyword Elite if you do extensive keyword marketing
and PPC advertising. The idea is to dominate the main
keywords in your niche market; if you can get high rankings
for these profitable keywords, be assured companies in
your industry will quickly come knocking at your door
with lucrative offers.

4. Build Relationships

Along the same lines, go out of your way to build long
term relationships with the companies and affiliate managers
you're promoting with your site. If you supply the sales
and traffic, you will be rewarded with special incentives
and bonuses. Don't be afraid to bargain for private
affiliate arrangements and compensation, companies will
go out of their way to reward and keep their top performing
affiliates happy. Money talks, that other stuff walks!

Join the major Affiliate Marketing networks such as
Commission Junction, LinkShare, ClickBank, Shareasale...
these companies are professionally run and offer affiliate
programs for all the Top 500 companies. Remember, the Internet
is still seen as a very untrustful place by many customers,
promoting well known established Brand Name companies and
products will prove more lucrative for any affiliate marketer.

5. Build Your Own Lists

One of the most effective and proven marketing strategies
is to build your own 'opt-in' or contact lists. Creating and
nurturing a loyal and responsive list should be one of your
main goals as an affiliate marketer.

Building a series of 'follow-up emails' for each of your
major affiliate products can produce more sales. Capture
the contact information of your site's visitors for further
marketing and contact. Your follow-up emails should be both
helpful and offer special discounts or offers to your subscribers;
everyone loves a deal.

6. Create Multiple Income Streams

Don't put all your eggs... but you know that already and the
same applies to affiliate marketing. Don't concentrate on one
product or company. Create affiliate relationships with hundreds,
even thousands of companies and you will see a steady flow of
affiliate checks. If one industry or market area slows down,
you can rely on others to fill in the gap.

Don't forget an easy way to monetize your site or sites
to produce passive income is to place ads with your content.
Google Adsense is just one example of this, there are many more.
Just place a few lines of code and these companies will supply
targeted ads for your content. Simple and easy way to earn
passive income.

Over time, as you build up your online business and affiliate
relationships, one of the most rewarding things is getting all
those affiliate checks arriving each month.

7. Aim For Residual Income

Make it your goal to market/promote products and companies
that pay residual income. You have to put in the same time
and effort to make the sale but with a residual sale it keeps
paying for months and years into the future. Make one sale and
receive residual income for the life of that client.

The most successful tactic here is to choose affiliate
programs that offer monthly services such as membership sites,
hosting services, business services, cable services... once
customers sign up for these ongoing services they usually keep
them for years. Building residual income is not a difficult feat
and can be one of the main sources of a steady passive income
for years to come. Imagine getting paid for a sale you made five
years ago.

To sum up, creating an online passive income is not a
difficult task but it usually takes some time and planning.
Instead of going for the quick fix, build up your sites and
affiliate relationships over the long term. You will achieve
a higher degree of success and in the process you will build
a much more secure and reliable source of passive income.

Take the slow road, you will get there much quicker!


The author is a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites,
including two sites on Internet marketing. For the latest
and most effective web marketing tools try:
Or why not try these excellent free training manuals and videos:
Free Internet Marketing Courses
Copyright © 2007 Titus Hoskins.


o Passive Cashflow Secrets

Like me, many people online have created a very
good healthy passive income. It took me over three
years to see a steady income from my sites. Others
have done it quicker, but as I stated in the article
above, it usually takes some time.

But it can be done and countless online marketers
are doing it.

Neil Shearing is one of those marketers. I really
respect Neil - was one of my
first affiliate programs I promoted online. (Along
with Corey Rudl's Internet Marketing Center)

Neil is now about to release his latest product
"Passive Cashflow Secrets" and it will be like
all the products from Neil well worth your while.

Neil has concentrated on products telling you how
to Automatically earn income online. Once you have
all your sites set-up, all your autoresponders
follow-ups programmed, all your SEO work done...
the Internet will supply you with what seems like
an automatic income, month after month.

Anyway, if you are interested in creating and
setting-up your own automatic income, you can
check out the early bird page - it has a video,
report and other goodies:

o Next Internet Millionaire

Joel Comm's Next Internet Millionaire is now
running and proving to be very popular.

Marlon Sanders is featured in one of them
and he is definately worth your time. I feature
Marlon products on my main site and I have
seen a big spite in sales since Marlon has
been on the show.

Marlon is also offering 25% - 75% off coupons
for his most popular products to celebrate his
appearance on The Next Internet Millionaire.

$20 off Coupon Code: BA8F48B

Coupon Amount Name
$20.00 The Amazing Formula
$20.00 Automate Your Web Business
$20.00 Create Your Own Products
$20.00 Push Button Letters
$20.00 Secrets of Speed Publicity
$20.00 How I Got 1 in Every 102 Internet Users
$20.00 Marlon Sanders' Marketing Dashboard
$20.00 Marlon Sanders' Web Design Dashboard
$20.00 The Affiliate Dashboard
$20.00 The Marketing Diary
$20.00 Vblog Secrets

$75 off Coupon Code: 14105E3

Coupon Amount Name
$75.00 The Action Grid
$75.00 Cash Like Clockwork
$75.00 Gimme My Money
$75.00 New Wave Direct Mail Success System

If you were planning on purchasing any of
Marlon's products - now is the time.

And if you have the time I strongly suggest you
have a look at Next Internet Millionaire. Joel
has 'gone all out' with the production quality
and there are some really special 'guest' marketers
that are always worth your time.

Such as

- Armand Morin
- Marlon Sanders
- Jeff Walker
- Mike Filsaime
- Rich Schefren
- Brad Fallon
- Perry Marshall
- Dave Taylor
- Ray Edwards
- Mike Koenigs

so don't miss it. You can view it here:

Kind Regards,

Titus Hoskins

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