Friday, November 14, 2008

Google Reveals More Ranking Factors

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o Google Reveals More Ranking Factors

o Marketing In Harsh Economic Times

If you're like me, you have a major stake
in how Google ranks your site or sites.
The more information I can dig-up about
Google, the better my sites perform.

Lately, there seems to be a lot of information
coming from the top search engine on the web.
Google is becoming more transparent in how
it ranks pages in its index. For webmasters
like myself, this is very welcomed news.

Google uses 200 different ranking factors
in its algorithm... any webpage that it
ranks has to be filtered thru these factors.
The more you know HOW Google ranks pages, the
better you can prepare your site and marketing
to match their expectations.

Google Q/A Chat

Google for so long has been very tight-lipped
about how it ranks pages... it has been one
of the major "beefs" webmasters has had with

Is all this now changing????


Sometime in the not so distant past, higher
board members or CEOs must have made a strategic
change in HOW they would treat webmasters...
who after all are really Google's bread and butter!

It's our products and content they're dishing
up in their SERPs... why bite the hand that
feeds you! Maybe Google has finally gotten the
"webmaster" issue right, just like have gotten
so many other things right.

Those top Google executive members must have
decided to deploy the troops in helping
webmasters understand how Google ranks

So now you Google troopers such as Matt
Cutts, Maile Ohye, among others... following
orders from on high and opening up about
Google and ranking.

Now Google is not giving away the shop, but
they are becoming a lot more open and straightforward
in their answers many concerned webmasters have,
regarding how their sites perform within Google.
Which can only mean less sleepless nights
for webmasters around the world.

We are talking all "white hat" by the book
SEO techniques here... how to build backlinks, how
to optimize your pages, how to link out to
other sites, and the list of SEO methods goes

If you're serious about ranking high within
Google - this "Live Chat Q/A" will give you
a lot of solid pointers.

Check it out here:

Google Q/A Chat

o Marketing In Harsh Economic Times

Don't have to tell you, these are very scary
economic times no matter where you live in the world.
What's happening with the stock markets,
mortage meltdown, government bailouts...
no country seems immune to all these predictions
of a looming recession.

What does an online do and how should you react
to these tough times?

So far, I haven't seen much of a downturn in
my own online sales yet, although there's a slight
dip in some luxury affiliate items that I sell,
but believe it or not, there are still people buying
big-ticket items on the web.

But there has to be a slow-down in online sales...
given all this bad news and how reluctant prospective
buyers are becoming. So the real question remains -
how do you market in these tough times?

Perhaps, you should look towards those industries
that are recession-proof to find your answer.
Look towards health care, education, renewable
energy, environment, security, international business...
these areas the experts say are the most recession-proof.

Keep in mind, when things are tight financially,
people look for ways to save money. It not exactly
rocket science to understand that Walmart was one
of the stores to see an increase in sales lately...
while most others are dropping.

For the online marketer, this could be pointing
to areas where there are opportunities. You can
look for bargain retailers, discount stores, coupon
shopping... as areas where there will be more
and not less economic activity.

Then you have all these workers who have lost their
jobs looking for new ways to earn more income. You
have retired people who will be looking towards the
web to supplement their dwindling retirement savings.

Online education could be a major area of activity
in the coming months as laid off workers upgrade
their resumes.

Even Internet Marketing will probably see a minor
boom as many people look for ways to earn a little
extra part-time income. We could see major increases
in online webinars and off-line seminars as experienced
marketers take advantage of this opportunity to
teach others how to sell and earn on the web.

Since many people will be worrying about debts
and bills - any financial courses, services and
helpful programs will probably be very popular.

So too will software programs that help people
cope with all this financial stress and worry.
If you look closely, there should still be a
lot of areas for your online marketing could
prosper. Just adjust your marketing to suit
the times.

Here's a really good example of what could
do well in these harsh economic times.

Kind Regards,


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