How To Boost Your Opt-ins By Using iFrames
BWMagic's Marketing News!
Read This Newsletter Online:
o Boost Your Opt-ins By Using iFrames
o Google Adsense Downturn
o Battling the Flu!
o Boost Your Opt-ins By Using iFrames
Retaining your visitor's attention while they are
on your site is a well-known problem for many
webmasters. Visitors get distracted and click
away from your page or site without preforming
your chosen tasks you had planned for them to
carry out.
How rude of them!
Many times it is the webmaster who is to blame...
a poorly constructed webpage can result in a lost
sale or a lost subscriber. Many times the core reason
for this failed manipulation has to do with the layout
of the webpage itself, than to any lack of interest on
your visitor's part.
Most webmasters want their visitors to do two things:
1. buy their product or click thru to an affiliate link
to buy a product
2. sign-up or opt-in to their newsletter to receive
follow-up information
This is where problems can arise, visitors may just
opt-in and they are taken to thank-you page. Or the
visitors my buy the product without signing up or
opting in to your newsletter or list.
Many professional webmasters use a squeeze page where
they capture the contact information of interested
customers. But many times having your visitors go thru
all these different pages can be distracting and result
in bounces or lost sales.
One simple solution to this common problem is to keep
your visitors on your main sales page and still collect
their contact information. This can be easily done
by the use of a simple iFrame.
An iFrame lets you insert content from another website
into your current page without disturbing or distracting
the reader.
By using the iFrame code, you can open or display
your autoresponder form or sign-up page directly
on your sales page. Then as your visitor signs up
for your list or newsletter - you can display the
thank-you page in the same iFrame, all the while
keeping your visitor on sales page and still reading
your message.
Setting up your iFrame code is quite simple. Here
some sample code you can use. Keep in mind, you
can adjust the size of your iFrame and the color
of the page background, etc. like you would do
with any HTML webpage.
<*iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="450" height="150"><*/iframe>
Remove *'s in actual iFrame code.
Your lead capture page will contain your autoresponder
form. Then once your visitor has signed-up, they will
receive your thank-you message right on the page. Just
design your thank-page to fit neatly in your iFrame window.
Why is this effective?
The main reason why using an iFrame can be very effective
is because your visitor never leaves your page, they
can continue watching your video, reading your sales
messages... while they sign-up to your list. Many
webmasters offer incentives for people to sign-up,
extra videos, free software downloads, free tips...
people will gladly go you their contact information if
you provide them with valuable information they can use.
If you need more information on how to create iFrames
just try here:
o Google Adsense Downturn & Multiple Income Sources
For years now I have been using Google Adsense
on my sites. It was an easy and painless way
earn income from my sites... lately this income
has been going down. Don't quite know what is
happening here, whether it is a general downturn
in the U.S. economy and people are advertising
less or whether Google is simply cutting back?
My pageviews are not down by any large amount,
but the revenue is down. Other webmasters have
noticed the same so it's just not my sites.
If Google Adsense was my only source of online
income - I would be concerned. But it is not...
one of the best strategies you can possibly have
is to develop many, many, many income streams
with your sites or content.
Use other text ads, use affiliate programs,
develop business relationships with companies,
display banners, sell your own advertising...
...just make sure you have multiple streams of
income flowing from your sites... when one
stream dries up (and they will) - you have
countless others to rely on.
Best advice you will ever receive....
Now I am often asked, but how do I create
multiple income streams for my content and site?
Well, I don't have all the answers, but I usually
know where to find them. Recently, I was researching
this very topic for a future article and I came
across this great site.
It is by Steve Pavlina, who is probably the
top self improvement guy in the world. He has
a very extensive list of ways to make income
from your blog:
Check it out - it will give you ways to create
those multiple income streams for your blog
or site.
o Battling the Flu!
Have to cut this Newsletter short, for
the last couple of days I have been
(like a million others) battling a bad
case of the Flu!
Not really complaining, I always get
the flu around this time, each year.
And I discover all over again, what a
luxury it is to be able to breathe
thru your nose!
Actually, it points out to me how lucky
I really am to be working from home when
I do get the flu. I don't have to leave the house,
and the revenues are still flowing... it's
at those times that I truly appreciate working
from the comfort of my home.
Got to love this Internet Stuff!
Hope this helps!
Kind Regards,
Titus Hoskins
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