Google Ever-Flux: What It Means To Your Site?
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Read This Newsletter Online:
o Google Ever-Flux: What It Means To Your Site?
o My New Affiliate Marketing Blog At SiteProNews
o How To Buy Big Ticket Guru Info Products
o Right Link - Create PDF Files with Google Docs
o Spring Sale for SBI
o Google Ever-Flux: What It Means To Your Site?
If you're reading this email you probably already know
I do most of my online marketing thru the use of
keywords. I earn income (mostly from affiliate products)
by creating websites and webpages that rank high
in all the search engines for my targeted keywords
in the niche markets that I have chosen to promote.
So far it has been a marketing strategy that has
worked. Knock on wood! I have managed to get many
first page listings for my keywords. This search
engine traffic is leveraged to earn me a nice living
from the web. So far.
Now, the other search engines shouldn't be ignored
but most of my search traffic comes from Google.
According to Nielsen Stats in February Google had
around 60% (58.7 - 4.5 billion Google search queries)
of the traffic on the web.
But 60% is not the true number, from close examination
of my different site's traffic logs I know Google gives
me around 95% of my search traffic. Since it is extremely
important to my livelihood, I keep a close watch on my
major keywords in Google.
Movement up or down just a few places means an increase
or decrease in my traffic. Google has changed. It is
not the same search engine it was 6 months ago. Not by
a long shot.
Within the past months rankings within Google have
become more dynamic, more fluid, they can change
from day to day - what some people are now calling
Google Ever-Flux.
Once upon a time, your keyword rankings in Google didn't
change that much - every two or three months Google would
do major updates where your keywords and your site's PageRank
could have a major jump or fall in Google's index.
Now Google's index is more dynamic, changing on the fly
or as new links come online...
One thing I have noticed with my keyword rankings, links
from the so called Social Bookmark sites (Digg, Reddit,
Squidoo...) have become very important to Google. Real
people reading and ranking real content. This is what
these social media sites are all about and it seems
Google is placing more emphasis on these sites.
I say "seems" because with Google, nobody knows for sure.
However, I can see in my daily monitoring of my own
keywords - Google Ever-flux is real and is probably
here to stay.
What does this mean to your site or keywords?
It probably means you have to put your link building
efforts into overdrive if you want to get a #1 listing
in Google and keep it there. It will probably mean that
you have to be constantly creating valuable content and
quality relevant links related to your site's topic.
This is what you should be doing anyway but now you
will have to work harder to keep your links in those
top positions in Google. At least this has been my
experience lately.
Over time old links you had are being dropped, as
Google re-ranks their links and index. As new sites
and links become important there is a constant change
in the rankings within Google.
Google also seems to be favoring big, resourceful
authority sites for the top positions in their SERPs,
giving these sites 6 or 7 sub-headings and links
- all in the top spot.
Which means it will be much harder for the small
marketer to compete. Of course, it is only a matter
of time become big, large corporations completely
dominate all the major profitable keywords on the web.
Like any valuable resource, it is the big companies
and multinational corporate giants who will eat up
the little guys/sites. It will take some time, and
since there are millions of small niches - there is
still some marketing room for small sites to cash
in. But our days of glory are numbered...
If you count on Google for your search traffic,
keep building quality links/content daily and
don't forget the all important social bookmark
sites... make sure you're building some good
links from them.
You can read more about Google Ever-Flux in
this Site-Reference post:
Site-Reference Google Ever-Flux
o My New Affiliate Marketing Blog At SiteProNews
This week I made my first post in a New SiteProNews
blog. SPN has given several online writers and/or
marketers a chance to create their own blogs on
SiteProNews, which is a site mainly aimed at SEO
and online marketing techniques.
This is one of those "win-win" situations, the
writer receives wider exposure and SiteProNews
receives unique content to display. I normally
would only put my unique content on my own sites
but you have to change with the times.
Since most of my main sites are geared to Internet
marketing SPN is a good match for me. One of my own
long-term marketing strategies has been to hand-pick 6
or 7 top level sites to display my content. Google likes
people and sites who are connected to other closely
related sites. (As long as you don't pay for those links!)
Most of my Posts at SiteProNews will be on my own
marketing tactics and experiences. Concentrating
on affiliate marketing as applied to search engine
Along those lines my first post has to deal with
"Monetizing Traffic vs Monetizing Websites" - where
I look at some of the lucrative distinctions to
monetizing your traffic instead of your website…
Read more here:
SiteProNews Marketing Blog
o How To Buy Big Ticket Guru Info Products
This week saw the launch of Jeff Walker's
Product Launch Formula 2.0 - I am sure you
probably got an email or two. Jeff is the
guy who started all this product launch
Not that I am knocking Jeff Walker's product
- nor am I really knocking the "Gurus" that
are plugging it. It's a great product and
if you have 2 grand to invest - go for it.
My major beef - I don't like the process
or way these launches are carried out. It
just seems way too much artificial hype and
urgency is created to help sell these products.
Buy now before someone else beats you to it.
Only a few copies left... it's the whole
"shark bowl mentality" that I object to and
don't like. Any marketing product should
stand on its own merit - you shouldn't have
to create a feeding frenzy in order for you
or your well connected Guru Buddies can
make some big bucks in a few minutes.
And I don't like the big prices attacked
to these products. I can easily afford them
now but I couldn't afford them when I was
just starting out. Someone trying to get into
online marketing can't afford those high
But I can understand the marketing behind these
huge price tags - and no it is not all about
greed. What legit big name Guru is going to sell
a $20 ebook, no matter how good it is.
The large price tag is there to attract the big
marketers so that those same marketers can offer
their own high-priced products as bonuses.
Actually, if you're into online marketing
like I am, these huge prices are worth it.
You can write them off as a cost of doing
business and the bonuses makes these offers
worth considering...
But a word of advice, if you're going to
buy Jeff Walker's product - shop around first.
Make sure your buy it from the Guru or Big
Time Marketer that is offering the best
bonuses or the bonus that suits your needs.
NEVER EVER buy from the person who made the
product. Never ever buy from the original
Instead, shop around and consider what
the Gurus are offering to sweeten the pot.
If you're into online marketing you should
be on many marketers' lists, just so that
you can compare what each is welling to
offer if you buy from their links. Quite
frankly, sometimes what these marketers
offer as a bonus is better than the offered
product. In either case you get more for money -
especially since all the latest best marketing
products are coming with a high price tag.
Here's a few you should know:
John Reese
Mike Filsaime
Michael Cheney
Joel Comm
Frank Kern!
Yanik Silver
StomperNet Guys
Marlon Sanders
Neil Shearing...
One word of advice, make sure you clean out
or delete your "cookies" before buying from
your favorite marketer. Affiliate links are
usually "cookied" with the first link you
click so that person will get credited with
the sale.
If a dispute arises later, you may have
trouble collecting your bonuses - so clean
out your cookie first or only click on the
affiliate link of your chosen marketer to
buy the featured product.
o Right Link - Create PDF Files with Google Docs
My mistake - it was pointed out to me last week
that I had added the "www" before the Google Doc
link I gave you last week for creating PDF
(Portable Document Format). That link doesn't
work with "www" added.
Here's the correct link:
Great way to turn all your articles, ebooks,
posts... into PDF files. Use them to build
your list, get viral traffic and get your
name out there.
o Spring Sale for SBI
Site Build It is having a Spring Special
- for $100 more you can get another SBI
site. Pair up with a friend or just use
these two sites yourself.
SBI Sale
Good until March 28.
Now if I was a big time Guru I would
be offering you special bonuses to buy
from my link. However, since I am not,
I can only offer you my help which I give
free anyway... always have and always will.
Just email your questions or concerns and
I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Not that I know all the answers, I just
may have just been around for a longer time
than someone just starting out and know
where to find those answers.
Kind Regards,
Titus Hoskins
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