The New Free Is The Old Buy!
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BWMagic's Internet Marketing News!
Read This Newsletter Online:
o Free Is Now Better Than Before!
o Ken Evoy's Free Stuff
o List Building - Proven Strategies From The Trenches
Everything changes, including Internet Marketing.
Is it just me or are marketers starting to give away
valuable information that you can actually use.
What's up with that?
John Reese has been calling for this kind of
thing for some time now. May be other marketers
are listening to him.
Although I take a more cynical view, the
info-product market is becoming overwhelmed
with launch after launch - I believe most
buyers are being turned off and tuned out.
It's just harder to get people interested in
your info-product anymore, no matter how
amazing it is. So marketers have to raise
the stakes and offer something really
amazing just to warm prospects up to their
next offer.
Their problem - your gain.
Lately, there seems to be a change in the works...
many so-called Gurus are switching gears and changing
their marketing tactics and offering valuable free
items. They are giving away free products in order
to create some good-will so that you will buy more
products from them down the road.
What's the big deal - you ask?
Marketers have been giving away free products,
ebooks, reports, articles for years now - haven't
Yes, but now they have increased the quality of
these giveaways... they are giving away products
they are already selling or they could/should be
selling. High quality stuff that you would actually
pay money for if they weren't giving it away....
The New Free Is The Old Buy!
Most recent ones include Mike Filsaime with
"The 7 Figure Secrets", Brad Callen has a
spectacular web creator tool in the works
called 'BlinkWeb', Neil Shearing's "Real Link
Finder", Ken Evoy has just made free "Make Your
Words Sell", a book he has been selling for years
at around $30.
This just may be a change for the better.
Top marketers are now giving away more free
stuff but these are products that are actually
worth your time.
Of course, this is a marketing tactic to get you
introduced to their products with the objective
of selling other products to you. Many marketers
have high-end coaching products or courses that
they promote and sell; what better way to pre-sell
than to give you valuable information that will
help you get started.
However, that shouldn't stop you from benefiting
from all these high quality free products. Just be
aware of the marketing tactic behind them. Not that
there's anything wrong with what these marketers
are doing - most of them are "Tops" in their fields
and any offerings are worth checking out.
So if you're a IM junkie like me, keep your inbox
open, you never know when you will receive a valuable
free gift that you can actually use. I am particularly
keeping my eyes peeled for the new Brad Callen's web
design product... that looks like a real winner.
I will pass along the information with it comes
Here's a little video teaser:
o Ken Evoy's "Free Stuff"
Of course, Ken Evoy is one of those marketers
that has been giving away valuable free products
for years. Again, it is mainly to get people interested
in his flagship product "SiteBuildIt" but that doesn't
mean these free offerings are worthless.
Just the opposite, Ken's SiteSell products are
some of the best Internet Marketing training manuals
on the web.
If you want a "no-cost" way to find out what Internet
Marketing is all about - just download some of Ken's
manuals. Be warned, they're meaty and chalked full
of information but they're the real thing. They will
get you started on the right track... they got me started.
And I still use them!
Free SiteSell Products
o List Building - Proven Strategies From The Trenches
List Building has always been a special passion of
mine for over 10 years now. In those years I have
learned a little bit about list building and how
it's done.
In my latest SiteProNews blog post I discuss some
of the list tactics I use in order to make a living
online. One or two of those tactics have proven
very lucrative for me... if you want to find out
more you can find the blog post here:
List Building SiteProNews Post
Kind Regards,
Titus Hoskins
Labels: info-products, internet marketing, internet marketing course
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