Thursday, January 25, 2007

Web Design Tips & Tricks

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Web Design Tips & Tricks

You probably already known the key to making any kind
of income from the net is a well designed website.
What most people don't realize your site doesn't have
to look perfect or be professionally designed to be

Not by a long shot!

In the final analysis, any site that makes you money
is a successful site. Any site that brings in an income
can be considered a well designed site. Many people
can't get their heads around this fact - some of the
most basic/ugly sites can be the most profitable.
You don't need a perfect site.

Believe me, I know from first-hand experience!

Your site doesn't have to be a design knock-out to
earn you money. My first site
which I designed from scratch when I didn't have
a clue what a perfect site should be or look like
- but my modest site now brings in over 50,000 visitors
amonth and Google just upgraded it to a PR6.

All that is not really important, what is important
my site brings in money each and every day!
It is a profitable site, it's not pretty but
it works.

I earn revenue from Google Adsense, I earn revenue
from affiliate sales, I have even formed partnerships
with other major sites and businesses on the web.

I get more and more companies coming to me each
week asking if they can display their products/links
on my site. I recently turned down a major fellow
Internet marketer who wanted to put a link on
the top of my homepage and that guy makes
millions online each year!

Why are they bothering with me and my site?

Because my site brings in targeted traffic and visitors
who buy products and services which those companies
are selling. My site is valuable to them!

My site can deliver leads, customers and business to
those other parties. My modest little site is not perfect
but it sells. It has value.

Here's the main trick or advice I can give anyone
starting a new web business:

Most Important Design Tip

The only reason my site (any site) has value is because
I have targeted certain keywords or keyword phrases
with my site. Once these keyword phrases rank high
in all the search engines you get targeted traffic
to your site. Targeted traffic which companies would
like to get a piece of to sell their products.

Actually if you do this one action. Get high rankings
for your site's profitable in demand keywords, then
your site will earn you money. For example, if you get
a top 10 ranking for 'Cell Phone' you will make money,
regardless of how good or bad your site is designed!


Did I make a lot of mistakes with designing my
first site - you bet I did! Mistakes that I
learned from and corrected as I went along -
but you don't have to make the same mistakes.

Recently, I have been gathering material on
site design and concepts. One great resource
has been Marlon Sanders. He has a helpful Free
pdf download "Top 10 Site Designs Mistakes".
This is really good because he takes actual
sites and dissects them and points out what
should and should not be done.

I highly recommend you grab a copy of

If making online money is your goal, you have
to design a site that sells. Perhaps one of the
best manuals you can find on site design is
Ken Evoy's Make Your Site Sell
- you used to have to pay for this manual
but it is now f'ree. You can download it
from here:

(Located half way down this page)
Marketing Tool Guide

I was so impressed with Ken Evoy's SBI I
purchased his hosting package and I am using
it to build my 8th commercial site - I say
commercial because I have created a lot of
sites in the past just for fun. I have a
background in graphic art and art education so
you might think I would have a slight advantage
but not really.

Graphics, images, and web design are important
because making the wrong design choices can ruin
a good site. But graphics is NOT what makes your
site profitable.

After your targeted keywords what makes any site
profitable is words.

The written content/copy on your site. These days
this written content is quickly shifting to
online videos but the words are still there-
you just listen to them instead of reading them!

After keywords, copy writing is the most important
element in your web design.

Sites are all about copy writing which I have
little background in and experience with.
This is one area where I really needed help,
one of the best products on copy writing I found
is Dan Lok's 'Turn Words Into Cash'.

Dan Lok is known as the World's #1
'Website Conversion Expert'

His 'Turn Words Into Cash' is not f'ree but
he interviews all the Top copywriters in the
world on how to make your words sell. In the
end that's exactly what any good well designed site
has to do - turn your online copy/words into cash.

You can check it out here:

Marketing Tool Guide

As stated before, your site doesn't have to be perfectly
designed but it must be able to turn your content
and your words into revenue. It's not easy but it
can be done.

I also found Dan Lok had another extremely helpful
book entitled: 'Ordinary People Extraordinary Money'.

This helpful guide shows actual people: their
websites, their tools and resources they use to
earn an good income from the web.

Marketing Tool Guide

These just ordinary people using ordinary websites
and tactics to earn an income from the web. Their
sites are not perfect, but they work and earn money.

I know because I do it every day with my own websites.
They're not perfect, but they work. They earn me a full
time living on the Internet.

If I can do this, anyone can. Including you!


I truly hope this email and the resources listed
above will be of some help to you.

Much Success,

Titus Hoskins

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

5 Essential Marketing Tools For Starting A Successful Internet Home Business

5 Essential Marketing Tools
(For Starting A Successful Internet Home Business)
Copyright © 2007 Titus Hoskins

Lets start with this one cold hard fact: creating a successful
Internet home business is not an easy task. It takes hard work
and a whole lot of strategic planning. Anyone who tells you
otherwise is probably trying to sell you something!

Building any solid business takes hard work and planning. Why
should creating a successful business on the Internet be any
different? Just because you're dealing with computers and a
world wide marketplace doesn't mean it will be easy to construct
and build a successful enterprise. It will take some work and
effort on your part.

However, knowing what tools to use and some vital marketing
knowledge will make your task much easier and much quicker.
The Internet does have its own unique tools and methods which
you should be familiar with before you start any web business.
Complete knowledge of these marketing tools and information
will greatly increase your chances of creating a successful
Internet business.

1. Domain Name/Website

You must start with a Domain Name - most marketers either make
their domain something catchy and short that visitors will
quickly remember such as,, Yahoo!.com or
they will directly tie in their main product or service in the
domain such as,, and so on.

Your domain must be attached to a well designed and easy to
navigate website. Preferably one that is professionally
designed and equipped with all the commercial tools you need
like a shopping cart and payment system. Like any business,
you must try to accept all the major credit cards and display
all the proper trust building icons such as 'Better Business

Most professional online marketers keep graphics to a minimum
and highlight their main benefit or product in a headline at
the top of your webpage. You only have a few seconds to impress
your prospective customer so summarize your whole site in one
short benefit-loaded phrase or slogan. Be precise and direct
in your presentation.

2. Keywords/SEO Strategy

Keywords, what surfers type into search engines to find
what they're seeking on the web, are the real cornerstones
of any online website or business. You must find out the
exact phrases and words people are using to find your
product or service and target these keywords with your
online site. Create pages and content on your site to
draw in this targeted traffic. As a general rule, the
more targeted your traffic/visitors are, the greater
your conversion rate, i.e. the more sales you will make.

Professional online marketers do keyword research and a whole
lot of testing to find the right high converting keywords that
virtually guarantees sales. These marketers find the buyers at
the right stage in the buying process, where customers already
have their minds made up and are ready to buy. For example,
someone searching for 'cars' is not as targeted as someone
searching for '2007 Ford Mustang with Shelby GT exterior design'.

Savvy marketers use professional keyword research software
such as Keyword Elite or use such sites as GoodKeywords or
Overture (Yahoo! Search Marketing) to find the number of monthly
searches for the keyword phrases they target with their sites.
Many online businesses outsource their keyword/link building to
SEO specialists who do this job for them. These firms develop
a long term SEO strategy of building links to targeted keyword
phrases, thus building a successful business in the process.

3. AutoResponder/Opt-in Lists

The AR or AutoResponder is one of the most essential tools
to building a successful online business. You must set up an
Opt-in system on your site to capture the contact information
of your visitors, this will increase your traffic and dramatically
improve your sales. It has been proven that it takes 5 to 6
follow-up emails before a customer buys your product or service.

It just makes good business sense. You must build a list of
potential customers for your business. The AutoResponder makes
this possible and is unique to the online world. You simply place
a form on all your webpages to capture the name and email address
of your visitors for further follow-up and contact. Instead of
a surfer visiting your site just once, you draw them back again
and again with special offers, deals or a daily/weekly newsletter.

The key element that makes the AutoResponder such a powerful
marketing tool is trust! The Internet is still a very distrustful
place. You simply use the AutoResponder and your follow-up
system to build trust and a sense of loyalty from your potential
customers. Once this trustful relationship is built, running a
profitable business online will be easy.

4. RSS/Blog

Blogs and RSS feeds are essential online business tools. As we
saw above, building a trustful relationship is very important
to doing business online. Keeping an online Blog or daily journal
is another way of building trust and keeping in contact with your
customers or clients. Everyone likes to be a part of a group, a
member of the club - having a company blog will help keep everyone
a member of your business.

Blog and RSS feeds are a way to instantly connect with your
visitors or customers. Podcasting and broadcatching (video casting)
are excellent ways to more personally connect with your clients.
Videos are all the rage right now and savvy marketers are using
them in their advertising and marketing. Why should Google and
YouTube had all the fun?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication, original acronym stood for Rich
Site Summary) will get your sales message out to your customers
quickly. With the upcoming release of the RSS powered Windows
Vista expect RSS to play an even greater role in your whole
Internet experience. Make sure you have at least one RSS feed
on your online business site.

5. Articles/Syndication Software

People want information first, products second. Regardless of
what you're selling or the type of online business you want to
create, always keep in mind potential customers want information
first and then the sales pitch. Give people good solid information
and they will more likely buy from you. You must pre-sell your
online business or product.

One of the best ways to pre-sell is by using articles. Simple
informative, how-to, 500-700 word articles on all aspects of your
online business. Place these articles on your own site and syndicate
them around the web by using article distribution software or by
submitting to such online article directories as,, and - make sure
you place a link back to your online business within the resource
box at the end of each article.

Articles are an effective way of drawing very targeted customers
to your site or business. Each article is a marketing tool in its
own right. Create a whole army of these articles and you will see
a marked increase in online visitors and customers.

As mentioned before building a successful online business is not
an easy task. It does take some strategic planning and a whole lot
of marketing tools with the knowledge to use them properly. But
anyone can create a successful home business with the right
equipment and the right attitude. You now have some excellent
starting points, the next step is really up to you.


The author is a full-time online marketer who has numerous niche
websites, including two sites on Internet Marketing. For the latest
and most effective web marketing tools try: Internet Marketing Tools
If you're trying to start a web business and don't know where to begin,
why not try these excellent free training manuals and videos: Copyright © 2007 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Monday, January 01, 2007

My Number One Internet Marketing Strategy (For Producing An Online Income)

Happy New Year!

Hope you're having a great holiday... I am just
recovering from my own celebrations - nothing special,
just family and friends with a few fireworks.

We welcome in the New Year very simply but it's nice
to get together with family and friends at this
time of the year.

There is something about the beginning of
the New Year that gets us thinking.

Around New Year, we all think about lives and
where we're going. It is a time for re-assessments
and resolutions. It is the time when we plan to live
healthier, give up smoking, lose some weight, or
even plan a change in jobs or careers.

If you're looking for a new direction, a part-time
or full-time job at home working on the Internet.
Please keep reading. What follows may help you
in reaching that goal.

Recently, I sat down and took stock at where I
am at with my online marketing... I am doing
so well that I wanted to bring some of my relatives
into the web marketing game. If I can do this, no
reason why they can't be doing the same.

I tried to figure out my Number One strategy
or advice that has helped me the most in producing
an online income. Here's what I came up with...

My Number One Internet Marketing Strategy
(For Producing An Online Income)
Copyright © 2007 Titus Hoskins

I am often asked "How does one start an Internet

"Where do you begin? What do you need to start?"

And these questions are often followed by, "How did
you get started?"

These questions are popping up more often now as
my name and sites become better known. However, I
still get some very skeptical looks whenever I
mention I work full-time on the Internet. For many
people the Net is still a place chock full of
'quick-rich-schemes' and 'con-artists', where someone
is ready to rip you off at the very first opportunity.

Of course, the reality of working on the Internet
couldn't be further removed from this unflattering
image. In my case, I make it a point to only deal
with top name companies such as Dell, Sony, Toshiba,
Amazon, Apple, Google... or top web marketers with solid
reputations such as Marlon Sanders, Neil Shearing, John
Reese, Ken Evoy...

And I quickly learned Money Talks!

It doesn't matter who you are, where you're operating
from or how small or big your online sites/activities
are, if you can generate through your online marketing
efforts monthly sales in the 100-200k range for any
company - you will get noticed. And your sales doesn't
have to be in that price range, if you can generate any
sales through your web site or sites - you can start to
build a business online and work from home.

I come from a background in art and education but
nothing compares to working on the web from the comfort
of your own home. The freedom is very liberating. Once you
start earning a nice income on here, there's no going back.
Money talks in more ways than one!

But how do you get started? How do you begin?

I believe my own very modest success comes from
one simple strategy. It has to do with learning,
more importantly, it has to do with HOW we learn.

There is one key strategy I have for learning and it's
quite simple: always learn from the inside. Get as
close to the source as you possibly can. No matter the
field or subject area, get as close to the real experts
in that field as you can possibly get. It's something
all artists do instinctively!

This very simple strategy has proven very effective
for me. No reason why it can't also work for you.

Here is how it's done - instead of buying the latest
marketer's info product/ebook/webcourse... you join
their affiliate program first! You will receive
marketing information, countless free audios/training
materials on this marketer's products and methods. You
will get the inside information on how these marketers
operate and how they are working the Internet.

You will also probably receive great discounts for
any products that you do buy. You will receive updates,
invitations to web seminars, free promotional material -
if you're well known or become a very valuable affiliate
you will receive free copies or products to review.

What is even nicer, once you start generating sales,
this affiliate relationship often develops into a
personal relationship with the owner or company. You
get to know the owner or the affiliate manager on
a personal level and this opens many doors for other
business opportunities.

This is a simple strategy that works great. I apply it
almost every day in my own marketing and even in my own
life. For example, around each New Year everyone is
talking about making resolutions and setting goals, both
for their businesses and in their personal lives. It is
an important topic that I wanted to learn more about.

As I make it a point to seek out the top guy or person
in any field I wish to learn about - in this case - goals
or goal setting. The name that immediately came to mind
was Gary Ryan Blair. He is known as the GoalGuy! What more
can you ask for? Gary Blair has made goals his business.

"As President of The GoalsGuy he has created
a world-class library of products and services
which are designed to inspire people to realize
their full potential while making the heart sing,
the mind expand and the spirit soar."

He also has an excellent affiliate program, which you
or anyone can join. And by joining Gary Blair's affiliate
program you will receive valuable information on
goal setting and strategic planning from the inside.

Likewise, if you really want to learn about Internet
Marketing, how to build websites, how to earn money from
the web... just find the Top Guy in that field.

My suggestion for the top person is Ken Evoy.

Ken Evoy of SiteBuildIt and Make Your Site Sell fame
is the perfect guy for learning about the whole web
marketing game. One of the best ways to learn what
Ken knows is to join his affiliate program first!
You get tons of free marketing info and products. You
will learn how his system works. You will also learn
how Internet Marketing really works.

SBI 2-for-1 Deal: BUY-1 GET-1-FREE Holiday Special

Become A SBI Affiliate!

Recently, I wanted to get a family member started
in web marketing. The best way I could do this
I figured (keep in mind, I run two main sites
on Internet Marketing and was to introduce
this family member to Ken and Sitebuildit.

Actually, I bought the SiteBuildIt hosting package
for myself and since it was a 2-for-1 deal running
until Jan. 3rd, I get one for myself and I could give
the other one to the family member to get them started
on the Internet.

SBI 2-for-1 Deal

Perhaps the main reason I chose SBI is because of
its great online community. If you want to succeed at
something, you must 'hang-out' with people who
are succeeding in that particular field. Might
sound a bit simplistic but there is more truth
in this philosophy than most people realize.

If you want to be a jackass, associate with other
jackasses! If you want to be a millionaire, associate
with other millionaires! If you want to be an Internet
marketer, you must associate with other Internet marketers!

It's kind of a no-brainer but many people don't do this.
I repeat, if you want to be a web marketer, you hang-out
with web marketers and learn from the inside.

It's a simple Internet marketing strategy that works.
One that has served me well as I continue to build my
online business. No reason why it can't do the same
for you.


Titus Hoskins