Monday, October 15, 2012

Can Google Be Defeated In Search? When Hell Freezes Over?

Around Oct. 5th of this year, Google made a "data refresh" of
its Penguin Update, making this the third time Google has applied
this filter to web links and web content. This  latest Penguin Update,
according to Matt Cutts, only noticeably affects 0.3% of English

Now someone has figured out what "noticeably" means in the above
statement. Supposedly, it means those listings above the fold or
those listings in the top 5 spots in Google search.

However, what most webmasters know, most search queries don't
have a monetary value - don't result in a sale or lead. Most
search queries are rather useless, but those search queries/keyword
phrases which result in a sale or lead - are worth their weight
in gold.

What has been so troublesome over the last year or so, with the
Panda, Penguin, EMD, Above the Fold... updates or quality filters,
Google is mainly applying these changes to the "monetary" or
"revenue producing" queries, these are the search results which
are covered in Adwords Ads, Google's main revenue stream.
Webmasters and online marketers, who have over optimized their
content and links, to rank higher in Google have been hit the

Google has literally wiped thousands of sites from the web,
making them invisible on the main search engine in the world,
which controls 65% or more of online searches. The search value
or worth of these sites, has been reduced by millions, if not
billions of dollars. The outcry has been loud. The outcry has
been worldwide. The outcry has been...

well rather useless.

Google can ignore any of these protests and can keep ignoring
these protests until web users stop using Google because their
search results have become less effective and less relevant to
the search at hand. Until web users stop using Google, Google
can do what it bloody well pleases. Until that day comes
or when hell freezes over, Google has nothing to worry about

Latest ComScore shows that Google gained 0.3 percentage points
in September and now commands 66.7 percent of the lucrative
U.S. search market. Google is going nowhere but up.

 They don't care if webmasters have to now pay for Google Product
Search. Theydon't care if free organic results are pushed down below the
fold. They don't care if small webmasters or content creators
are suffering.

Or why should they?

Google is a business. The goal of any business is to make money.
Google should do everything in its power to make money. They
simply must keep revenues flowing and cut down on operating
costs. Panda, Penguin, EMD... have all resulted in less
content/sites to index and monitor... Penguin alone must
have caused billions of links to be removed from the web,
links Google no longer has to crawl and index. With Panda,
Google can now dismiss millions of sites and/or crawl these
sites much less often.

The Google brand has become so powerful, most people believe
Google has a "moral" obligation to do the right thing. This
belief is wrong. Google owe webmasters nothing. And webmasters
should not expect anything from Google. Free organic search will
remain free and above the fold only if Google decides to keep it

And the only thing stopping them is...

the fear web users will simply stop using Google for search.
Yeah, like that's going to happen any time soon, but I do wonder
if blast freezers work in hell?