Friday, January 30, 2009

Quick Ways To Build Instant Credibility Online

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BWMagic's Internet Marketing News!

Read This Newsletter Online:


o Quick Ways To Build Instant Credibility Online

o Social Media Credibility & Importance

o Blogging To Build Credibility & Profits


Since my last few emails/newsletters were on the topic
of building profitable web pages, I would like to talk
about what I believe is the most important factor to your
online success: establishing credibility in the mind of
your visitor.

Regardless of what you're promoting or selling, regardless
of what type of website or business you're pursuing on the
web - your site and you must be seen as credible in the
eyes of your visitors. They must believe you are someone
who "knows their stuff" and is worth their time.

Instantly establishing this credibility is vital to your
site's success, especially online where people are still
very distrustful of what they see and read. And if you're
selling something that "distrust meter" takes a giant leap.

So here are some quick ways to instantly build trust
with your site's visitors - remember you only have a few
nanoseconds to accomplish this difficult feat.

So try these:

1. Credibility Pre-header. Many marketers and webmasters
try to get or place a credibility pre-header above their
content, especially if you're selling a product. "America's
#1 Affiliate Marketer according to Time Magazine, reveals
all his secrets..."

Or something along those lines, but keep in mind, this
pre-header must have a neutral third party blurb or statement
which can be backed up. Quoting respected important sources
such as major magazines, news programs, well known organizations
or even other important web sites will instantly help establish
credibility in the eyes of the viewer.

That's why on a lot of sites you see such things as "As seen
on Oprah" "As seen On Cnn" or even the old stand-by "As seen
on TV" will add credibility to what follows... just use the
same idea on your own site. While you may not be able to
boast those kinds of claims... you can usually come up with
some important (well known websites) which feature your work
or content. I like using sites like "Featured on",
"Featured on" "Featured on SiteProNews" while those
places don't have the power of a Dr. Phil or Oprah... they do
establish some instant credibility in the "eyes" of your visitor.

2. Picture and Bio. Have your picture and bio at the top of
the page so that readers can instantly see who you are. Give
your major accomplishments and successes - you must prove that
you're worth their time. Many savvy marketers use a two-columned
page format where one side is used to establish credibility...
where you place your picture, your bio, any awards your site
has won and tons and tons of testimonials from your visitors
or site users.

Use this whole side column all the way down your page to establish
your credibility. As readers are read your content or sales letter,
they can glance over to see what you're saying is backed up by
other people.

3. Testimonials. As mentioned above, you should have testimonials
on your page and plenty of them. These will give credibility to
what you're saying. You should also place a few of these testimonials
in your main sales letter as well - use the credibility of the
person giving the recommendation to your best advantage.

Many big-name online marketers (Gurus) do have enormous credibility
in the "eyes" of those reading the content. These testimonials
can go a long way in establishing your credibility as well. Use
as many as you can possibly get. Don't forget that also adding
recommendations from the BBB (Better Business Bureaus) and placing
securely buttons/logos does also help in establishing your
site's credibility.

4. Use Videos. You have probably noticed many people are now
using videos on their sites and content. Videos are an excellent
way to immediately establish contact and credibility with your
viewers... you are indeed a "real person" and not just some written
words floating in cyberspace. Of course, the more personality
and likeability you can bring to these videos will help further
establish your credibility.

Many marketers and webmasters also use videos for their testimonials,
anyone can make up a fake testimonial and place it on a web page
but actually seeing and hearing 10 or 15 videos of customers
talking about your product or content will definitely give you

5. Professional Graphics and Design. We have all seen the
cheap-looking template site that immediately says "template"
in the mind of the viewer. Now the actual content on this
site may be great but web surfers are becoming increasingly
web-savvy and will know a cheaply designed site when they
see it and immediately hit the back button. Ouch!

Your site must appear professional in the "eyes" of the
beholder. Using professional graphics and design will help
you establish immediate credibility for your site. In that
split second you have to capture your visitor's attention,
you want to make that first impression a good one. You want
them to say "This one's a Keeper!"

6. Use Social Media Sites. Visitors want to know you're
a real person or company, so establishing profiles in all
the social media sites such as Twitter, FaceBook, MySpace,
YouTube, Linkedin... gives credibility to who's speaking.
They can check you out and see what everyone is saying about
you. They can discover who your contacts are and what kind
of reputation you have built up.

These social sites can have enormous influence in building
a solid relationship with your visitors. It can definitely
help establish your credibility - so use them.

7. Content And Writing. Of course, the proof is in the pudding,
your content must be compelling and convincing. It must show
you know what you're talking about and that you're worth
reading. All the flash and window dressing will be worthless
if you don't have quality content on your site.

It is this quality content that will ultimately establish
your credibility in the minds of your visitors. All the
other factors are important but "what you say and how
you say it" will be main determining factor in how much
credibility and trust you earn from your site's visitors.
Choose your words carefully.

8. Pre-built Credibility. One last point on establishing
online credibility has to be discussed. I believe many
webmasters don't understand the importance of building
credibility BEFORE your visitor even gets to your site.
Your marketing strategy doesn't just start at your site,
it must include building your brand and reputation outside
of it.

One obvious example, getting top rankings in Google for
your major keywords does give your site a lot of credibility.
Or top rankings in any search engine for that matter, but
especially in Google, I have found getting top rankings gives
credibility to your web pages. People respect Google, they
have come to respect the search results.

Another more important way to "pre-build" or "pre-sell"
yourself or your site's content is to write simple
articles that are distributed all over the web. Visitors
coming to your site from these articles, already are
familiar with you and your information. You have already
gained some credibility in their eyes and may just be
worth checking out.

o Social Media Credibility & Importance

As I mentioned above, social media sites such as
Twitter, MySpace, FaceBook, Linkedin... are becoming
very important to the whole issue of doing business
online or running a website. You must get involved
personally or create company profiles in all these
sites... they are great promotion and marketing tools.

Don't lose out on all this free marketing.

Twitter, I believe is the one that's holds the most
potential. It's fairly new but its uses are steadily
growing. I must admit, I am not an expert on Twitter,
and the whole social media stuff leaves me a bit
cold. It is not my thing. I like building websites,
doing SEO and writing articles. I never was very
good at "chit-chat" and always liked going it alone
- former artist in me shining through, I guess.

However, these sites are very important. You must
start using them - to build credibility if nothing

Here's a Twitter Report that will help get you
started and introduce you to the possibilities of
using Twitter:

o Blogging To Build Credibility & Profits

On almost all my sites I have a blog. I use
blogs to build credibility by making direct
contact with my visitors. It's a quick way of
introducing yourself and explaining what you
or your site is all about.

I use the free WordPress blogging software
but I also use which is owned
by Google.

I also use Blogs for building links and SEO
for my sites.

- They are very good for getting quick traffics and links.

- They put your site in the "whole mix" of the Internet.

- They get your content out there.

Blogs and blogging can be very profitable,
especially if you're like me and into affiliate
Kind Regards,


P.S. I have placed links to some of my sites,
blogs and social networks altogether here:

Includes Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, LiveJournal,
SiteProNews Blog... and others. In case you
really want to get to know me!

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Friday, January 23, 2009

How To Build Profitable Web Pages?

BWMagic's Internet Marketing News!

Read This Newsletter Online:


o How To Build Profitable Web Pages?

o Do Keyword Research BEFORE You Build Your Page

o Keyword Relevancy Is A Must

o Other Ways To Monetize Your Web Pages

o Free Site Page/Site Builder - BlinkWeb

o Free Online Graphics Editor


In last week's email/newsletter I talked about how
I go about building web pages on my different sites,
but I didn't explain the most important factor you
have to consider.

How to build or make your web pages profitable?

I wanted to devote a whole newsletter on just
how I go about making profitable pages. The
simple techniques and tactics I use to find
and build profitable pages.

Building profitable web pages is the main goal
of anyone trying to earn revenue from the web.
How you conceive, build and optimize your pages
will ultimately determine how well you succeed
with your online site or business.

Get this wrong and you won't make a cent; get
it right and you can virtually create your own
revenue streams as easily as you would turn on
a water faucet.

First, you must realize when it comes to creating
and building web pages, there are plenty of conflicting
viewpoints and opinions among webmasters about how
you should proceed. As I told you last week, when
it's all said and done, you can only really discuss
what has worked for you and what is currently working
for you; based upon your own experiences as a professional
online marketer.

Web pages are what I use to earn my livelihood
from the web. They are my bread and butter.

Some people believe all you have to do is buy
a domain, slap some content on a few web pages
and you're in business. It doesn't work that
way unless you're extremely lucky or you're
writing a blog!

Building profitable web pages takes some planning
on your part; you must do some homework/research
on the topic or subject of pages. Most of all you

o Do Keyword Research BEFORE You Build Your Page

Before you even start your web page, you must do
some simple keyword research just to see if your
page is viable. Keywords are what people type into
search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN to
find what they are looking for on the web. Keywords
are the backbone of the Internet.

Keywords will also determine if you have a profitable
page so you must do some research. I first do a simple
check to see how much traffic my chosen keyword phrase
is getting each day. If it's getting no traffic,
then it will generally be of no use to me; if it's
getting just 5-10 visitors a day, then I can work
with it. I use SEO-Book to do a simple check of the

Next I type the keyword phrase into the three major
search engines and have a look at the SERPs, check
out the competition and also how many marketers are
advertising this keyword. If it has advertisers, it's
probably a profitable keyword. Marketers don't advertise
if they're not making money. If you see a site that
has both organic and paid listings for a particular
keyword you should pay special attention. Especially
if they're buying PPC traffic over the long haul.


Marketing Tip: When you search in Google/Yahoo/MSN
paid strict attention to both the organic SERPs
results and the Paid Advertising links for your
chosen keywords. If a marketer/webmaster has a
top five organic listing and they're also buying
PCP traffic for the same keywords - this should
tell you they have found a profitable keyword or


If it's a major niche that I will be marketing, I
do some serious, in-depth keyword research using
professional software like Keyword Elite. This will
flesh out my information and give me valuable pointers
on what long-tail (multi-worded) keywords I should target
and how stiff my competition will be.

If you can't afford professional software like
Keyword Elite and SEO Elite, a really simple way
to check out your Keyword Competition is to download
the free SEO-Quake toolbar and place it on your Firefox
browser. Then type your keyword into Google search
- all the links/sites that come up will have valuable
SEO information attached such as PageRank, Pages Indexed,
Traffic stats, Age, Owner... and so on.

Still, using professional keyword software is better,
but using free sites like SEO-Book and programs
like Google Adwords External Tool will give most of
the information you need to do your keyword research.
Basing your web page on a certain keyword you want
to target is the foundation for building a profitable

o Keyword Relevancy Is A Must

Once you have found a profitable keyword you must
make sure your page is relevant to your keyword.
The content MUST match your keyword. Your content
has to be centered around your keyword. In other
words, everything on your pages should be related
to your keyword.

Google pays special attention to keyword relevancy.
Your site's visitors also pays special attention
to how relevant your page is in regards to what
they're searching for? And they vote by using the
back button.

That's why I usually paid special attention to
the Bounce Rate of any page I create. If it's too
high, it means my page is not satisfying the searchers
and I have to go back to the drawing board and find
more enticing content. I use Google Analytics to find
my Bounce Rates.

Another marketing trick I use - I always give
my site's visitor's another route out. I put
an affiliate link above the fold on almost all
my profitable pages. This link is directly related
to my keyword and I pick affiliate products/programs
that have a 90 day or more cookie attached to it.
(This is a type of invisible list building that
I have discussed before and it is very effective
at making your pages profitable.)

Over time if that affiliate link converts into
sales - I keep it. If it doesn't, I replace it
with another affiliate link. Trial and error until
you find what works.

Another Marketing Tip: Did you know that it has
been proven that when you give a list of products
and prices - most buyers will go for the middle
price! I didn't believe this one until I tried
it on one of my sites. Now you still have people
buying the top and bottom price, but the majority
will go with the middle price. Put your highest
paying affiliate product here.


When I am creating my web pages I still keep my
visitors in mind at all times. I design my pages
to give them valuable content/information they
can use and want. The marketing/affiliate links
are used sparingly among the content.

Another simple method I use to make my pages more
profitable - I always have an opt-in or sign-up
form on all my pages. This allows me to follow
up with my visitors with a series of emails
containing further information and of course
a few links to my affiliate products or programs.
Again, the emphasis is on giving information, rather
than direct selling.

o Other Ways To Monetize Your Web Pages

I am often asked "But how do you monetize your pages,
how do you make money?"

There are many different ways I use to monetize
my pages. Since I don't have a product of my
own - this is more of a lifestyle choice rather
than a marketing decision. With promoting and
selling affiliate products all I have to do
is pre-sell and send highly targeted potential
customers to the companies I deal with. They
do all the selling, taking of orders, delivering
the products and customer support... I get a
check in the mail!

If you have your own product it's a totally
different ballgame. One that comes with a lot
more headaches and responsibilities. I like
online marketing for the freedom it gives me,
promoting your own product, dealing with customers,
refunds, payments, hiring staff... that seems too
much like a real job!

Affiliate marketing is much more hands-off,
you do the marketing, you deliver the clients
and the company or merchant takes it from there.
Keep in mind, I also take risks by buying PPC
traffic, buying other forms of advertising
and investing many marketing programs and

As for finding affiliate programs and product
to promote, I use Commission Junction, LinkShare,
Shareashare, Clickbank, Amazon, Affiliate Windows (UK)
LinkConnector... among others.

I also use Google Adsense on many of my pages
but remember, you can make 10 or even 100
times more by using affiliate links instead of
Adsense. I like using Adsense in conjunction
with my other affiliate links... just another
way of monetizing my web pages.

Another way I monetize my web pages is through
list building. You build large lists of contacts
interested in a particular subject and you
occasionally recommend products to them. Lately,
I have been moving away from this type of
marketing mainly because there are way too
many info-products being launched.

But I still use my lists to promote physical
products to those who are interested. Frankly,
one of the simplest and most effective ways I monetize
my web pages is to offer special deals, discounts
and coupons to my visitors. Major companies like
Dell, HP, Toshiba, Apple... all offer online coupons
which affiliates can place on their web pages
to help sell the company's products. Offering or
giving $100's off a given products does produce a
lot of sales and does make your pages more profitable.

Another technique that works for me is concentrating
on keywords related to gifts, presents, wedding
favors... by targeting people who are actually
looking for something to buy can make your pages
very profitable.

Still another effective way I find to make your
pages more profitable is to offer comparison
charts of popular products along with ratings
and prices. Many online merchants use this effective
selling technique, no reason why you can't also
use it on your pages. Increases your sales...

Anyway, I hope I have given you some ideas on
how to make your web pages more profitable.
Like I said before, sometimes it is just a
matter of trying different things and finding
the ones that work for your site or pages.
Once you have found a page that works, it won't
be long before you're looking for another...
and on it goes.

If I can do this stuff, anyone can! But if
all this stuff DOES sound like totall Dutch
to you, I suggest you download and read the
following Affiliate Masters Course/Book:

o Free Site Page/Site Builder - BlinkWeb

Since we are talking about creating web pages
I thought I would give you that link again
to Brad Callen's Free BlinkWeb.

This is really is a good Web page/site builder.
Simple and effective. Hope you can give it a look:

o Free Online Graphics Editor

Also from last week, the online graphics
editor I told you about. I got a chance to
use it this week and it is excellent.
Can't believe this full-body editor is
free to use - I kept looking for a catch
but could find none!

It's recommended by Design Guru Ryan (The guy
who does my web graphics) and it's really

It's called Pixlr and you can find it here:

Kind Regards,


P.S. I have placed links to some of my sites,
blogs and social networks altogether here:

Includes Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, LiveJournal,
SiteProNews Blog... and others. In case you
really want to get to know me!

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Friday, January 16, 2009

How Long Should A Web Page Be?

BWMagic's Internet Marketing News!

Read This Newsletter Online:


o How Long Should A Web Page Be?

o Keyword Density Of Your Web Page?

o Are Graphics Important To Your Web Page?

o How To Optimize Your Pages To Get Top Rankings?

o Free Site Page/Site Builder - BlinkWeb

o Free Online Graphics Editor


This week I thought I would give you some direct
information on how I go about creating my web pages.
On many of these points, dealing with creating web
pages, there's plenty of differences among webmasters.

When it's all said and done, you can only give
examples of what has worked for you and what is
currently working for you - based upon my own
experiences as a professional online marketer.
Web pages are what I use to earn my livelihood
from the web.

Because of that, I am constantly aware of what's
working and what's not working in regards to my pages.
Below are some my viewpoints on building web
pages and sites that perform (i.e. earn money!)
for me.

o How Long Should A Web Page Be?

Conventional wisdom says your web pages should be
around 300 words. The reason for this number
is that web viewers have short attention spans
and you also want to keep it short so the search
engines can easily spider and index your pages.

It is probably a good length and idea but in actually
fact many of my own best performing web pages are
much longer than that and some are a lot shorter.
When creating web pages there is no set rule...
just make it easy for your visitors to get the
content. Try to please them first, rather than
sticking to any set conventions. That's my 2 cents

Personally, I prefer longer pages since I don't
like breaking up an article into different pages
- this is more for my reader's benefit, rather than
practicing good SEO technique since creating more
pages increases your index presence and you get more

All the article experts say your articles should
be short around 400 to 700 words. Not so in actual
fact, many of my most popular articles (ones that
bring in the most traffic and links) are in the
1200 to 1800 word range - go figure!

I believe readers want a quality meaty article they
can sink their teeth into and derive some valuable
information that they can use.

If you were reading a quality article in an off-line
real world publication - can you really get a serious
topic or subject covered in 300 words or less? How many
300 word essays did you write in school or university?
To completely discuss an issue or topic, you have
to have a longer piece of writing.

Now, as mentioned before, many webmasters and sites
break a 1000 word article/content into 4 or 5 pages
so that they can increase "pages/clicked" per visitor
ratio and it also gives them more space to place banners
and other advertising.

There's a definite argument for shorter pages but
again I have found longer pages have become my
best performing pages. I believe surfers want their
information in one spot and they don't want to make
5 or 6 clicks to get the content.

Many of my best pages are over 1000 words and I have
no intention of changing the size as long as they
are performing and earning revenue. I have long learned
on here, it something is working for you - don't mess
with it.

o Keyword Density Of Your Web Page?

Another big factor in SEO circles is the keyword
density of your web pages. You shouldn't have you
main keyword repeated too often on your page...
if you go over a certain density and it will alert
the search engines that you're keyword spamming.

Which is a major no-no when it comes to getting
high rankings for pages and keywords. You have
to keep the keyword density low in order not
to send warning bells.

One of the best ways, I found to keep your
keyword density down is just to use variation
of your keywords throughout your page. For example,
I target "internet marketing" as one of my major
keyword phrases... so I use "web marketing" "online
marketing" "net marketing" "marketing on the web"
and so on.

I was recently submitting an article to one of
the major article directories and my article
was rejected because my keyword density was
over 3%. Many SEO say your keyword density should
be around 3% to 5% - anything more and your pages
could get banned or penalized.

Google has 200 rankings factors they use to
rank their pages... I am sure they're looking
at keyword density as an on-page factor. They
would probably lower your page if they believe
you're keyword stuffing.

Again, I think you have to keep your visitor
in mind when creating your pages, if you constantly
repeat your keyword it will simply drive your
visitors away which is very bad for business.
What's the point of getting traffic (by keyword
spamming) if your visitors don't turn into
a prospect or a sale. Again, common sense
should pervade and keep your keyword density
under 3% or what just reads naturally on the

o Are Graphics Important To Your Web Page?

As a former artist, I once did all my own
graphics which was probably one of my biggest
mistakes. My graphics were passable but they
weren't the best. Now I still created very
profitable pages/sites using my own graphics
and I have totally designed all my own web sites,
learning HTML from scratch.

But recently I started using a professional
graphics designer for some of my pages.
(Design Guru Ryan!) I simply don't have the time
to do my own graphics anymore... I noticed a marked
improvement in sign-ups and sales by using these
professionally designed graphics.

The main reason I believe professional graphics
are so important - web surfers have become so
savvy that they judge a page within a nano-second
of viewing it - is this a professional site or an
amateur site? Is this web page worth my time?

Professional graphics make that first impression
and capture your visitor's attention. It also
creates in the visitor's mind... this is a site/content
worth my time. This is extremely important for
any site on the web and it is more important if
you're into website marketing.

And web surfers are getting more savvy as the
net becomes just another feature of modern day
life... you must get your visitor's attention and
professional web graphics can do that within a
heartbeat. If you can afford it - use professional
graphics on all your pages. At least invest in a good
header and footer for your site - believe me, it
can make all the difference in the world.

o How To Optimize Your Pages To Get Top Rankings?

For me what brings in the revenue is top 5 rankings
for my keywords especially in Google. The other two,
Yahoo and MSN brings in some traffic but nothing like
Google so I try and optimize all my web pages for Google.

Needless to say, I have many Top 5 Listings in
Google, and while the main reason for those listings
have to do with the countless backlinks to my pages
mainly achieved thru article writing (yes, this
method is old but it still works) and backlinks
from social media sites. These backlinks come
from just putting the free bookmark
button on all my pages... my visitors bookmark
my content for me!

But I still have certain things I do for optimizing
my web pages for Google. When creating pages I
make sure I have my keywords in the Title, in
the meta tags, in the H1 title, in the URL and
in the first and last 25 words on my page.

I use variations of my keywords throughout
the page but I try to keep my writing natural
and flowing... my main goal is to make a sale
or sign-up. However, I always provide information
that the reader wants and I have learned from
the beginning that "content is king" - you
must give your readers the content they're
searching for and want.

Your primary title length should be limited to
around 60 to 66 characters - I find putting
my main keywords at the beginning helps; so too
does placing a pike "|" to break up a long

Your meta tag description should be around
25 words or 150 characters. I usually spend
a lot of time on my descriptions mainly
because if they get indexed, it is the first
contact I have with my site's visitors.

If you're selling online, this is may be your
one chance to entice surfers to click through
to your pages. Offering deals, coupons or special
bargains are simple ways to get potential customers
to your site.

Again, surfers want quality content and this
may be the most effective way to optimize your
pages. Quality content and information will get
bookmarked, it will get noticed by the search
engines. Just use the simple tips above to make
finding and indexing your content a little easier
for the search engines.

o Free Site Page/Site Builder - BlinkWeb

Speaking of SEO, one of the best experts
in this field is Brad Callen. He's the creator
of such SEO software like Keyword Elite and
Seo Elite - both of which I use and find very

Brad also the creator of a free Web page/site
builder called BlinkWeb. It really does help you
create web pages in the blink of an eye - even
if you know nothing about web design.

If you're just starting online or want a simple
way to create web pages you should check it
out here:

o Free Online Graphics Editor

Since we are on the topic of designing
web pages - if you need a good graphics
editor, you can try the free online one
I told you about last week.

It recommended by Design Guru Ryan (The guy
who does my web graphics) and it's really

It's called Pixlr and you can find it here:

Kind Regards,


P.S. I have placed links to some of my sites,
blogs and social networks altogether here:

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Friday, January 09, 2009

Let Google Do Your Spying For You - Part 2!

BWMagic's Internet Marketing News!

Read This Newsletter Online:


o Using Google Adsense For Profit & Monitoring

o Using Google Benchmarks To Improve Your Site

o Simple Market Research With Google Trends

o Information Gathering With Google Alerts

o Free Online Graphics Editor


I did an earlier newsletter on using Google to
gather vital information about your site and
online marketing but many readers didn't receive
it so I am re-sending it with a few more Google
tactics that I use each and every day to gather
information about my site and my competitors.

You have probably figured by now that Google is
my main marketing tool I use to earn a very
comfortable living online. Yeah, I know you're sick
of hearing that line, but I keep repeating because
I believe it is important for you get marketing
information from a full-time affiliate marketer
who's marketing on the web; day-in, day-out.

These are the Tactics I use every day to compete
on the web. They work for me and they should
also work for you.

Google must be your number ONE ally if you truly
want to succeed online. Love it or hate it - Google
is fast becoming the dominant marketing force on
the web and you must use and exploit it to your

When most people mention Google, all they think
of is the Search Engine. But if you're marketing
or promoting your site on the web - Google is so
much more. It has countless programs you can use
to further your goal.

Here are some of ones I use:

o Using Google Adsense For Profit & Monitoring

I use Google Adsense on almost all my site, it's
a simple way to monitize your site or sites.
Google gives you a simple piece of code which
you place on your webpages and it serves up
text or image ads marked "Ads by Google" on
your pages.

If someone clicks on your ads you get a few
pennies or a few dollars... Google Adsense
is great if you have a large content filled
site and want to earn revenue from your traffic.
I use it in conjunction with my other affiliate
links on many of my pages.

Now, I can get 10, even a 100 times more with an
affiliate link/click so I mostly use Adsense where
I am not targeting a particular affiliate product
with my marketing. However, I have received
Adsense checks each month for the last three
or four years - always puts a smile on my face
to get that check from Google!

But also use Adsense to track and monitor my
site's traffic in 'real time' and it gives me
a good picture of how my pages are doing. I still
use my log stats to monitor my traffic but
Adsense is just another way to do it.

If you're not using Adsense on your sites, I
suggest you give it a try.

Google Adsense

o Using Google Benchmarks To Improve Your Site

If you have a website, it's only natural that you
would like to know how your site compares with other
similar sites on the web. Now, we are not talking about
comparing apples to oranges here - we are talking about
comparing your site to others that are the same
in size and traffic.

Google Benchmarks which is a part of Google Analytics,
lets you compare your site to other sites on the
web that are similar to yours. It will tell you
how your site is performing compared to your
competition. This is enormously valuable information
because it gives you a clearer picture of how your
site is performing.

I find it extremely helpful in telling me what
parts of my sites are not working and where I
have to make improvements. It also tells me what
parts of my sites are working or performing above
my competition.

Things like bounce rates, pageviews per visit,
time on site... I can see how my sites are doing
compared with others in my area of interest.
This is vital if I want to keep my sites competitive
and "in the game".

If you're not using Google Analytics and Google
Benchmarks, I would strongly suggest you use this
free service from Google. It is a great way to
track your sites and visitors. It is invaluable
for improving your site's content.

You can also use the Website Optimizer to test which
content, headlines, graphics, page design... are best
for converting your visitors into customers or clients.
Simply find out what works best and use it.

If you're not already using Google Analytics I
strongly suggest you start using it. You can
sign-up here:

o Simple Market Research With Google Trends

Another Google program that I use a lot is
Google Trends, especially when I am first
developing a site or looking for small niche
markets I can make profitable. Google Trends
tells you what things or topics are "hot" or
"popular" - ones being searched for by web users.

Google Trends can give you a good overview of
of things that may be worth your time and effort,
in regards to marketing. It also lets you compare
different items and it gives you a graph read-out
of how popular each one is or is becoming.

For example, if you're selling electronics on
your site, and you want to find out if you
should spend more telling selling PCs
or Laptops.... you can do a Trend search for
each one and compare your results.

What's even just as great, Google Trends will tell
you how popular they are in different countries
or regions of the world. Again, if you're marketing
on the web, this will give you some simple
market research into your area of interest.

You can check Google Trends here:

o Information Gathering With Google Alerts

Perhaps, one of my most favorite of all
Google programs is Google Alerts. This is
simply the most valuable tool for searching
for information on your site or topic.

You use Google Alerts to "tag" or "mark"
any subject or phrase you want Google to
email alert you - when any new content appears
on the web related to your topic or phrase.

These Alerts will give you the links to
the new pages so that you can check out
the information. It is a great way to
"keep up to date" on all your niche markets
and keywords you're targeting with your

This is also great for link building since
many of these Alerts will be blog links
and you can easily go and add your comments
with a link back to your site. Google will
send you email alerts when a new link or page
is created on your targeted keyword.

I also use this free service from Google to keep
track of my name so that whenever someone
is saying something about me anywhere on
the web - I know about it!

I do the same thing for my sites. You can also
use it to track your articles, keywords or just
about anything for that matter. Invaluable service
for gathering information on the web...

Get it here:

What Google Thinks Of Your Site?

o Free Online Graphics Editor

And now for something completely different...

I heard about this free online graphics editor
from Design Guru Ryan (The guy who does my
web graphics) and it looks very good.

It's called Pixlr and if you need to quickly
design or fix your graphics, this could be
a very good option if you don't have your
own image editor on your desktop.

You can find it here:

Kind Regards,


P.S. I have placed links to some of my sites,
blogs and social networks altogether here:

Includes Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, LiveJournal,
SiteProNews Blog... and others. In case you
really want to get to know me!

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Friday, January 02, 2009

My Top Marketing Tips For 2009

BWMagic's Internet Marketing News!

Read This Newsletter Online:


o My Top Marketing Tips For 2009

o Google's Adwords Top Tactics For Tough Times

o 20 Clever Conversion Magnets

o How To Find The Best Internet Marketing Training


Hi {!firstname_fix}, as we start the new year
I thought it would be helpful to give you some
marketing tips. Some of these tips come directly
from my own experiences as a full-time online
marketer. Last year was my best year online yet
(what recession?) and I am hoping 2009 will be
just as good. These marketing tactics work for
me and they should also work for you.

Other tips come directly from Google and other
online marketers who I study and follow to improve
my own marketing. Perhaps my best advice would be
this: find the top online marketers and stick to
them like glue!

Here are some of my own marketing tips:

o Make Keywords Your #1 Goal

This is the single most important factor for
my own online success. You have to make keywords
and ranking high for them in all the search engines
your main objective if you're marketing online.
Might sound obvious, but many beginning marketers don't
truly understand how important getting top rankings
for your chosen keywords will be in your online

Target less competitive long tail (multi-worded)
keywords to get started and slowly work your
way up to more popular keywords. Center your
marketing around getting those first page listings
(Top Five) for your keywords. Achieve this goal,
(especially in Google) and it will be almost
impossible for you not to succeed and make
a profit with your online marketing.

o Autoresponders, List Building & Online Relationships

Keeping in contact with potential buyers is mission
critical. You must use autoresponders to send follow-up
messages to build trustful relationships with your
potential customers. Establishing this personal contact
or trust is very important because the Internet is
still a cold and distrustful environment for most people.

So building a large contact list is essential. That's
why the social networks such as Twitter, Facebook,
MySpace can be very effective marketing tools for
building this online contact and trust. Truth be told,
all these social networks are, more or less, just
glorified autoresponders!

o Your Unique Selling Position

You must give potential customers some very good
reasons for them to buy from you or your links.
Offering special bonuses and discounts works
wonders for your sales. Some of my most successful
pages simply consists of coupons and discounts
offered by different companies. If buyers can
save $100's OFF by buying thru your links, they

Always remember, besides looking for the best
deal or bargain, consumers are looking for a
quality product. If you're into affiliate marketing,
only pick top quality products to promote.
Consumers are also looking for INFORMATION on
the products they are considering buying, give
them helpful information and you will succeed.

o Find A Niche You Enjoy

There are millions of profitable niche markets
you can choose from - pick one that truly interests
you and run with it. Your favorite hobby or something
you enjoy doing in your spare-time. Picking a niche
market that you like is a key factor, you won't mind
spending your time exploring and exploiting it.
Just won't seem like work because you will be
having fun while you do your marketing.

o Go With The Flow

If you're marketing online, you have to follow what's
working for you. Most times you will try countless
ideas or tactics - once you have found a process or
system that works, really work it or scale it up.
Making your first dollar is the hardest, but once
you do something that earns you that dollar,
just repeat that "something" a thousand times.

Tracking what works is very important so keep a
close eye on your site's traffic logs to find where
your customers are coming from. Something like
Google Analytics is simply priceless for "fine-tuning"
your site and your online marketing. It will tell
you find what's working and what's not.

o Automate Everything

The real beauty of marketing online and using computers...
you can automate just about every process in your marketing
system. Make it a point of automating everything you do...
use autoresponders to follow-up with potential buyers, use
automatic check-outs, automatic reporting... just set-up your
whole online marketing system that runs itself with little
or no supervision from you. This will free up your time to
concentrate all your efforts on marketing or promoting your
site or product.


o Google's Adwords Top Tactics For Tough Times

I do some PPC but my monthly budget is only around
a couple of thousand so I am not a PPC expert. I just
use it to make extra sales and to bring in more traffic
to my sites. I use Google Adwords, Yahoo Marketing
and MSN Adcenter.

Now, if you're using Google Adwords, you probably
received a small booklet from Google entitled
"Google's Adwords Top Tactics For Tough Times."
In it Google lays out 6 Adwords Tactics for tough times...
but some of these tactics can be used for your
general marketing online.

These tactics include: (quoting directly from the

1. Focus your ads on low prices and savings.

2. Use Value-related keywords.

3. Ensure your ad groups are targeted and relevant.

4. Don't waste money on irrelevant clicks.

5. Make it easy for customers to buy.

6. Focus your money on your high-performers.

You can find out more here in my SiteProNews


o 20 Clever Conversion Magnets

Of all the Free Christmas Gifts I received this year -
this simple PDF showing 20 Clever Conversion Magnets
was the most appreciated and helpful.

In it Design Guru Ryan and Dave Wilkinson shows
you 20 tested conversion tactics you can use to
increase your sales. Just simple things you can
do on your site or webpage that will increase your

Now, Design Guru Ryan is from Australia and I use
him for designing all my latest site's graphics.
He's fast, professional and produces excellent graphics
that have increased my own conversions so I know
this advice is solid.

You can find these 20 Clever-Conversion-Magnets


o How To Find The Best Internet Marketing Training

Of course, like everyone who tries Online Marketing,
I had to learn my trade. In order to really learn how
all this stuff works: you have to find successful marketers
and follow or model what they're doing. I had some
very good help from the very beginning.

This simple tactic that has worked wonders for my own
marketing. In the article below, I discuss the
important marketers who has helped me the most,
especially when I was just getting started.

If you're interested in online marketing, promoting
your site, or just getting more traffic and sales...
I would suggest you at least skim thru this article...
lots of top marketers you should get to know.

Again, best of the Season.

Kind Regards,


P.S. I have placed links to some of my sites,
blogs and social networks altogether here:

Includes Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, LiveJournal,
SiteProNews Blog... and others. In case you
really want to get to know me!

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