Is Celebrating Its 10th Year On The Web

Can't believe it has been 10 years since I started my
main site - Time really flies when
you're having fun.
We even put a Press Release here:
Bizwaremagic - Free Marketing Tools
I also can't believe how much my site, dealing with all
aspects of running an online business - internet marketing,
marketing tools, list building, seo, rss, computers, affiliate
marketing, site design... are all topics which are covered.
The site has developed many different free guides which
the visitor can download. These resources will help webmasters
and site owners with the day-to-day running of an online
business or site. Marketing tools is another major topic which
is covered in great detail.
Bizwaremagic has also spawned numerous other closely related
sister sites. These sites go into closer examination of a specific
topic.... such as, and
I am looking forward to the next 10 years of marketing online and
recently renewed the Bizwaremagic domain for another 5 years. Can't
wait to see what the next few years will bring... onward and upward.
Kind Regards,
+Titus Hoskins
Labels: bizwaremagic,, free internet marketing tools, free marketing guides, marketing tools