Free Report - Web Marketing After Google Panda and Penguin - Strategies for Survival
Panda + Penguin = Smarter SEO
New free report has just been added on, this
lengthy report examines the impact of the Panda and Penguin Updates
in regards to marketing on the web. Collecting countless amount
of data from across the web, this report suggests some of the
common triggers or signals, which can land your site in the
penalty box.
It also offers "recovery tips" suggested by SEOs and webmasters.
This is very serious business, as 1000's of sites and companies have
lost their valuable lucrative keyword rankings in Google. These two
updates alone will mean the complete removal of countless quality
sites and companies from the web. Many of these companies
and sites will not survive Google's ongoing algorithm changes.
While it is very easy to "dislike" Google at the moment, this report
takes an objective view or approach to Google's changes, and
presents some of the ways on how to fix any site problems
suggested by Matt Cutts and Google.
The rules of the game have certainly changed and webmasters
must take a smarter approach to SEO in the future. Even
exploring ways to market online without Google or Google
organic search - are presented in the report.
Anyway, if you want to find out more about the Google
Panda ; Penguin Update, plus web marketing after Google.
Go here:
Web Marketing After Google Panda and Penguin
Labels: google marketing, google penguin update, panda recovery tips, panda update, penguin recovery tips, penguin update, smarter seo