After Penguin - Should You Delete All Your Online Articles?
One of the major areas of concern, when talking about the
Google Penguin Update, has to do with article marketing.
Many online marketers and site owners use viral articles
to build traffic and links back to their sites.
From all indications, Google is now stating that these types
of links, are not organic in nature and can actually be a form
of webspam. Maybe an exception can be made for an unique article
or post on a particular "non-article directory" site - as long as
you just have only one or two coming from that site.
What about all your articles you have on perfectly good quality
site like Ezinearticles - should you delete all these articles?
Many marketers and webmasters are saying yes - you should remove
these articles since the links in them are not natural or organic -
you have built these links yourself. Others disagree and say the
traffic from these articles are worth more than their Google traffic
- so why remove them?
This whole issue opens up a serious issue - are all these online
article directories just spam factories? Are their links valid?
Should you even use them?
If you're interested in finding out more, all these questions are
discussed in my blog post here: