Saturday, May 29, 2010

How To Rank Higher In Google's New Search Engines

Recent changes to Google makes it seem like Google is one longer
one search engine but a combination of 6 or 7 search engines
all rolled into one. Your SEO efforts should now be geared to
ranking high in these new search engines as well as the traditional
organic search.

As an online marketer, April and May have been some of my hardest
months of marketing online. This was mainly due to the recent changes
within Google. Google Caffeine, changes to the whole SERPs interface
and how search results are now displayed.

It seems like a whole new Google. Especially with the new landing page
interface with the left side column and all those new search functions.
Not to mention the Wonder Wheel!

In most cases, with Google you have to wait until all the changes
fall into place. In my niches there were some changes - sites coming
out of nowhere to land on the first page, but for the most part,
things are returning to normal.

However, there seems to be a switch to presenting more fluid or
passing results such as forum postings, discussions, Twitter and FaceBook
updates... so some thing have definitely changed.

Whether Google users will go to these deeper extra search results still
remains to be seen, but getting to the first page of Google has become
much easier in a lot of ways.

I have written another one of my longer article on this New Google
and some things you can do to keep your rankings or increase them.
Still very early days yet, but here are some of my findings:

How To Rank Higher In Google's New Search Engines

Helping You Succeed Online Since 2002!

Kind Regards,

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Keyword SEO Backlinks Checker

BWMagic's Internet Marketing News

Keyword SEO Backlinks Checker

One of the major problems for most webmasters is
obtaining quality backlinks to their site. Get this
part right and you will have a successful online

Now checking to see which sites are at the top
in your market niche is also extremely important
to that success. You must know which sites are
getting listed for your keywords and how many
backlinks they have pointing back to their site.

Good, solid, useful information to have at your

So here's a handy little tool or site which you
can use:

Helping You Succeed Online Since 2002!

Kind Regards,

Did you find the above information helpful? If so, why not
help spread the word - recommend this content by using
the social bookmark sites below. The SEO Gods will Thank You!

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Changing A Webhost Can Affect Your Rankings In Google

Over the weekend, because I was having a lot of problems with
one of my web hosts, I simply had to change where the site
was hosted. Now, I usually wait till the last minute to change
webhosts because it's usually a lot of work and you can run
into unexpected problems.

This time around, the transfer went very smoothly, and my site
was only down for less than a day. I was feeling quite proud
of myself until...

...while checking my keywords today in Google I received
a total shock. My site had dispeared from the rankings.

Completely Gone!

Hopefully, this is just a temporary problem and the rankings
and site will again be listed in Google. They are still running
my PPC - so that's probably a good sign.

This has never happened to me before - I have changed hosts for
many websites in the past and my rankings in Google have never
been affected. One site back in 2007 was down for over a
week but the rankings still stayed in Google.

Hopefully this is only a temporary problem and once the site
is spidered again - it will be listed.

It is still in Yahoo and Bing, but Google has sent the majority
of my traffic so this is major set-back for this site.

Just points out to me, how crucial those top Google rankings
are for that site or any stie for that matter. Must get them back
as soon as possible.

Although I can't remember ever having a site disappear like that
so quickly. Often it is a matter of waiting to see what happens...

Site in question

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