Getting Your Site's SEO Right
Gee, once you have been online for years and you're making a steady
income, you foolishly convince yourself you know all there is to
know about SEO. I have made that mistake in the past and in some
regards, I am still making that same mistake today.
You can never know too much about SEO.
And I am constantly learning new SEO things as the web changes.
Google Instant is a perfect example of how things can change overnight
on here. While it didn't change SEO per se, it does change how
people use Google and how the results are shown. Searchers don't
get the chance to type in their long-tail keyword phrases because
they are constantly and instantly being bombarded by suggested links...
so much so that getting those top positions for shorter root keywords
has gotten more important and this has increased everyone's competition
because those popular shorter keywords have always been the most
Which all means, your job as webmaster and online marketer has
become much more difficult. At least that is my opinion, one which
is reflected in my own stats. It also brings home the importance of
getting all your SEO ducks lined up in a row. You simply must have
your site and your content perfectly optimized for the search engines,
especially Google.
With this in mind I have written another one of my longer articles
on SEO. You can find it below, along with some helpful links which
will aid you in checking out and fixing your own site's SEO.
Find the article here:
Getting Your Site's SEO Right
Helping You Succeed Online Since 2002!
Kind Regards,
P.S. These are the Actual web marketing tools which
I use daily to earn a full-time online living: