Happy Thanksgiving & The Power Of Promotional Gifts
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BWMagic's Internet Marketing News!
Read This Newsletter Online:
o Happy Thanksgiving Weekend
o Never Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth!
I would just like to take this time to say
a big Thank You to all the subscribers and
supporters of this small marketing newsletter.
If you're living in the States and the
majority of the people reading this are;
I wish you a safe and enjoyable
Thanksgiving Weekend.
I am always appreciative of the many
subscribers and visitors of my sites who
have been so supportive over the years...
a gracious thank you to you. I never forget
without customers and supporters - none of
this would be possible.
As my number of sites increases and my online
marketing obligations grow, I sometimes find
it hard to answer and help all the people who
ask for my humble advice... but I do what
I can with the time I have to give. Will
try harder in the future.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving and I hope
you enjoy the holidays.
o Never Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth!
(The Simple Power Of Promotional Gifts)
Since I am an affiliate of many companies
and products - which I promote and sell
thru my many online sites - I get the occasional
gift from these companies. Most of these
gifts fall in the category of what is called
promotional gifts.
These corporate gifts are nothing fancy, just
some small item ( book - mug - pen - gadget)
usually with the company logo inscribed on it.
Funny thing is, no matter how small or silly these
little trinkets or gifts are, they are always
Besides, it's a gift and we all have been
hot-wired or programmed to receiving gifts
since we were two years old & up. Getting a
gift never fails to put a smile on our faces or
a warm feeling in our hearts. Corny as that
may sound, it is nonetheless very true for the
majority of the non-scrooge humans living on
the planet. We simply like getting gifts.
However, I believe many marketers, including
many small website owners, (maybe even you, highly
appreciated reader) fail to realize the marketing
power of these small promotional gifts. It can be
a truly effective way of promoting and marketing
your site or product.
Since we are entering the gift-giving season,
even in these harsh economic times, companies
and individuals are still giving gifts. Many
business are downsizing these gifts but many
are still giving out gifts regardless.
Nor should you underestimate the power of even
giving away free gifts to your site's visitors...
it can be an effective way of branding your
name and in getting repeat customers. Especially
on the web where you sometimes only have a
few seconds to make contact or engage a visitor...
handing out a free gift is often an excellent
way of making a first good impression with your
visitor and potential client and/or customer.
It is a marketing tactic I use with all my sites...
I try to give them something of real value, and/or
perceived value in the eye of the receiver -
something they will appreciate and remember.
Of course, that something also has my site's
URL and Logo on it... calling visitors back to my
site, time and time again.
That's why on many of my sites you will see a
Free Desktop Calendar that visitors can download
and place on their computer desktops... a simple
calendar and daily planner which has my site's
information, logo/message, plus a direct link back
to my site on it. Something simple, practical and
visitors like it... and they use it, I get tons
of emails from these calendar users telling me
how much they enjoy it.
A simple promotional gift that works.
Another marketing tactic I use with most of my
sites that also proves very effective is the
giving away of free guides. These are simple
handy guide (in PDF or EXE file format) that
I pass out to my visitors - to anyone who wants
Extremely easy way to build your list and build
a potential list of customers for your products.
Anyone can create these guides and give them
out to your visitors. Just use Google Docs to make
the PDF files of your favorite Tips, How-To Articles,
Special Reports or Buyers' Guides... you may be
totally amazed at how effective these free promotional
gifts can be to your marketing.
I especially like giving away free Buyer's Guides
of the products I am promoting, mainly because you
know these are the targeted group who are at the right
stage in the marketing process - when they're
seriously considering buying the product. You get
their attention at the most opportune time.
It makes for very smart marketing.
These helpful buyer's guides are in reality, very
effective promotional gifts that will increase
your targeted traffic and sales. Don't overlook
this simple way of marketing. Instead, use these
promotional gifts and techniques on your own
site or with your own products. A proven method
of increasing both your brand recognition and your
Just try it and see for yourself.
If you can't create your own guides, reports,
articles... there are tons of free ebooks, products
on the web that you can use. And if you're promoting
affiliate products, you can usually get these
free promotional reports, guides... from your
affiliate company and you can re-brand them with
your affiliate IDs.
If you want to see a whole list of more
traditional promotional corporate gifts
you can check out this page on my site,
it has many small promotional gifts at
very reasonable prices... especially if
you're buying in bulk.
Corporate Promotional Gifts
Kind Regards,
Labels: business gifts, corporate gifts, happy thanksgiving, promotional gifts